P09233 Flight Parameter Measurements Michael Skube P
Roadmap Mission Statement Product Description /Project Overview The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle family of projects is intended to create an open source, open architecture platform to hold imaging systems for research projects and law enforcement. Key Business Goals/Project Deliverables The primary business goals of this product are to : Create a product that is more cost effective than existing solutions. Create a stable, easily controlled aerial platform. Create an open source UAV platform that can carry and control an imaging system. Primary Market / Project Opportunities The primary market for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is the RIT College of Imaging Science. It is intended as a tool to facilitate imaging research, and to enhance their image capturing abilities. Secondary Market / Project Opportunities The secondary market for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is Public Safety Officials. Primarily for Law Enforcement to increase their response capabilities, and decrease their reliance on manned aircraft, thus decreasing their aerial costs. This can also be used by fire departments to track wildfires or realtors who sell large tracts of land. Stakeholders Stakeholders in the design of our product include the following: – R Open Architecture, Open Source Aerial Imaging Systems – R09230 – Open Architecture, Open Source UAV for Aerial Imaging Systems – College of Imaging Science – Law Enforcement Agencies – Fire Departments – The Communities in which our law enforcement customers reside
Measurements Mission Statement The mission of the Measurements group is to provide a means for measuring and calculating all the necessary parameters for the flight of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, primarily through the use of superior measuring devices and accurate dynamic characterizations. We strive to provide accurate data from our measurement systems for in-flight control and monitoring. We strive to exceed engineering standards while encouraging a environment for intellectual growth.
Target Specifications Measure required parameters to characterize a test frame’s surrounding conditions as well as its internal conditions Provide accurate, relevant and continuous data for the Roadmap Project Additional measurements of onboard systems that require continuous measuring/monitoring Exact design number and type of measurements, as well as the expected range of this data is still undetermined, but has been rudimentarily discussed Customer needs: Require reliable airframe, low maintenance P09233
Risks Assessment RiskConsequencesProbabilitySeverityOverallContingency Insufficient Resources Inability to Complete Portions of the Project LHM Borrow resources if possible, reduce project goals Insufficient Skills Unable to do Design Work LML Work with faculty to acquire necessary skills Inter-Team Dynamics Decreased Productivity LHL Hold members to norms and meet often Roadmap Team Dynamics Unable to Implement Designs on Airframe LLL Meet with Team Leads to work out issues Supplier Issues Unable to Implement Designs MMM Spec. common parts that can be interchanged from other suppliers, contact supplier often P09233
Final Project Documentation of procedure for calibrating measurement devices Documentation of placement of measurement devices Documentation of calculations and how to modify equations Test platform that shows the characteristics of a moving object Output data required for Controls Group P09233