CAFFE—Center for Academic and Future Faculty Excellence An NSF-funded Initiative at MSU Graduate School The MSU Office of Faculty and Organizational Development
NSF “I-cubed” Innovation through Institutional Integration (I 3 ) challenges institutions to think strategically about the creative integration of NSF-funded awards, with particular emphasis on awards managed by programs in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) MSU’s CAFFE was awarded $1M for 4 years 10/2009-9/2013 (Wilcox, PI; Klomparens, project director)
NSF-funded initiatives at MSU There are 5 NSF initiatives—as the basis for CAFFE “integration” $8M total funds to MSU AGEP ADVANCE CIRTL FIRST LS-AMP
AGEP Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) { MSU, UM, WSU, WMU, CUNY} to increase inclusiveness in graduate education for STEM and SBES workforce development $1.2M; Klomparens, PI, with Tony Nunez and Julius Jackson, co-PIs.
ADVANCE ADVANCE: “to strengthen the scientific workforce through the increased representation of women in academic science and engineering careers”. $3.98M; Wilcox, PI, Co-PIs: McGroarty, Curry, Bush, Luz, Roehling
CIRTL Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL)—UW-Madison as anchor, MSU in the network of $15M (to UW-M); $636K to MSU A. Austin (MSU) evaluator, Rique Campa as point in Grad Sch Mission: “the development of a national faculty in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) committed to implementing and advancing effective teaching practices for diverse student audiences as part of their professional careers”
FIRST IV First IV Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching “FIRST is a national network to provide long-term professional development for biology faculty in teaching and learning”. For postdocs at biological field stations $1.9M; Diane Ebert-May, P.I
LS-AMP Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Coalition: MSU, UM, WSU, WMU $544,526, continuation proposed Tom Wolff, EGR, P.I. Goal: to increase minority students earning BS degrees in STEM disciplines
MSU Resources/Offices Graduate School MSU Faculty and Organizational Development Teaching Assistant Program Undergraduate Studies and programs Honors College (Scholarship-Fellowship prep) Office for Inclusion + Intercultural Initiatives Office of Research Facilitation & Dissemination The Writing Center Center for Statistical Training & Consulting University Outreach and Engagement (e.g. The Evaluation Circle: Community Evaluation and Research Center) Others!!
Graduate School PREP: Career and Prof. Devel.—grad students and postdocs ( RCR, conflict resolution, TA Program, Career services, Cert. in College Teaching, SROP—linked to AGEP and partner U ) MSU postdoc office Start with these and connect to F&OD, UG, III with the goal of enhancing success for MSU faculty, graduate students and postdocs.
Office of Faculty & Organizational Development Supporting faculty, academic staff, and academic administrators in their quest for excellence in teaching, research, outreach and engagement, and leadership Highlighted Resources for Faculty & Graduate Students Online Instructional Resources (OIR): – Teaching and Learning Resources – Resources for Teaching in the Disciplines Seminars/Institutes on Teaching – Lilly Teaching Seminar Series: – Spring Institute on College Teaching and Learning: Highlighted Resources for Faculty Seminars – Workshops for Faculty Leaders: Cohort Programs – Faculty Learning Communities: – Lilly Teaching Fellows: – Committee on Institutional Cooperation Academic Leadership Program (CIC ALP): Instructional Consultation Services: