JEEVES the Robot Butler A Beacon-Sensing, Path Finding Robot Operating in a Crowded Environment JEEVES the Robot Butler Team JEEVES Daniel Steffy, Alissa Halvorson, Bogdan Pisica, Christopher Pearson, Hameed Ebadi
Current Status Ultra Sonic Sensors working DC motor movement Chassis implementation Hameed Ebadi
Milestones Milestone I 3 weeks away PCB complete (perhaps minor bugs) Robot able to maneuver through user command Calibration system implemented Shaft extender for motor Milestone II 6 weeks away Bug free PCB Robot able to detect beacon signal and traverse to it Dynamic Object Detection Hameed Ebadi
Capstone EXPO Goals 9 weeks away Beacon detection Path finding algorithm w/ object detection implemented Capstone EXPO Hameed Ebadi
Functional Decomposition Robot Level 1 Hameed Ebadi
Functional Decomposition Motors Level 2 Hameed Ebadi
Functional Decomposition State Machine Level 3 Daniel Steffy
Functional Decomposition Path Finding Level 4 Daniel Steffy
Functional Decomposition Remote Level 1 Daniel Steffy
Functional Decomposition Base Station Level 1 Daniel Steffy
DC Motors GM9232C113-R1 24V DC motor 65.5:1 Ratio Pittman LO-COG Roughly 120 RPM Chris Pearson
Motor Driver High-Power Motor Driver 15 Amp, 30 Volt rating Direction pin PWM input/output Basic fault protection Chris Pearson
Wireless Motor Control Chris Pearson
MSP430F169 Integrated UART Hardware driven PWM 3.3V logic output Integrated ADC for sonics Chris Pearson
LV-MaxSonar®-EZ1™ High Performance Sonar Range Finder Alissa Halvorson
LV-MaxSonar®-EZ1™ High Performance Sonar Range Finder 6-inches to 254-inches interface output formats Pulse width output analog voltage output serial digital output Alissa Halvorson
Ultra Sonic Sensor Analog Output Alissa Halvorson Distance (in) Calculated Distance (in) 3 6.68 5 7 7.625 10 9.608 12 11.583 15 14.6 18 17.495 20 18.557 24 24.02 Vout Calculated Distance (in) 71.8 6.68 81.9 7.625 103.2 9.608 124.4 11.583 156.9 14.6 187.9 17.495 199.3 18.557 258 24.02 Alissa Halvorson
Waveforms Max Distance Digital Output 12” 24” Alissa Halvorson
Directional Antenna Bogdan Pisica
Revised Division of Labor Task Alissa Bogdan Chris Danny Hameed Electrical Controls Sensors X Comm PCB Power Software Path Finding State Machine Device Interfacing Debugging Mechanical motors wheels antenna X chassis System Integration Testing Documentation Bogdan Pisica
Parts List Part Description Price ($) Comm System Xbee Series 1 75 Micro-Controller System MSP430 150 Directional Antenna 20 Foxhunting Antenna System Motor System 200 0.00 Batteries/Power Motorcycle/9v/Wall 100 Sonic Sensors PING))) Ultrasonic Range Finder 120 103 RFID System PCB 105 0.00 Mechanical Wheels/Chassis Printing Expo Docs Misc 200 TOTAL 1048 Bogdan Pisica
Questions? Bogdan Pisica