SPLAT’s! Fresh Prince PSA By: Quentesa, Danielle, Heidi, Kim, Ross, Geomarc, Aaron, & Austin
What is SPLAT!? S-Students P-Protesting L-Lies A-About T-Tobacco The mission of SPLAT! is to promote healthy lives by informing and helping all who are affected by tobacco!
Our PSA’s River Ridge High School Aired for KBD World Asthma Day
World No Tobacco Day Timberline High School
Who? High School youth!
WHEN?! Kick Butts Day!×WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY! M A R C H 25 M A Y 31
Why? Reach out to high school youth to influence them to have a better life by not smoking!
The Outcome! 165 youth pledged to be smoke free PSA was included in the morning announcements to over 1,000 students! Handed out quit kits