Rosalind from As You Like It Touchstone from As You Like It Relationship Status: In a Relationship with Orlando from As You Like It Cousins: Celia from As You Like It Birthday: September 22, 1642 I am kindhearted, self- determining, and headstrong. Celia from As You Like It How Now? Didst thou hear these verses? Rosalind from As You Like It O, yes, I heard them all. If you could play any trick on Rosalind from As You Like it, what would it be? I would pretend that I am her lover Rosalind from As You Like It Why would you do that? Rosalind from As You Like It No, you do not. Touchstone from As You Like It I want to.
Touchstone from As You Like It Celia from As You Like It Portia from The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare Orlando from As You Like It Oliver from As You Like It
Tennis, Shuttlecock, Chess, Backgammon, Draughts Love Song, I Feel Like A Woman, and Don’t Stop Believin’ “Life is not a matter of milestones, but of moments.” Having fun and finding love Valentine’s Day and Cinderella Its Not Summer Without You 10 Things I Hate About You Loving and wonderful Sep None
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