Microscopic Ethics By: Matthew Sparks
History In 1959, Richard Feynman proposed an idea that we could manipulate things as small as atoms or molecules, we just do not have the ability to do so yet. Said we should be able to create machines that can arrange or rearrange atoms and molecules however we want
How small can we go? Since the 1970’s, computers and their components have decreased in size at least every 6 months
What is Nanotechnology? Improvement of all human biological systems from the molecular level Preserving and improving human health using molecular tools Employment of molecular machine systems to address medical problems
Uses in Medical Fields Biotechnology Surgery Drugs Diagnostics Medical Robotics
Biotechnology The application of the principles and practices of engineering and technology to the life sciences Limiting and delivering stem cells Gene Therapy
Surgery Absolute noninvasive surgery No risk of scars or outside influence Doctor never even has to actually touch the patient Construct new, or repair organs from the inside
Surgery cont. Some nanomachines used as “white blood cells” Viruses and bacteria cannot develop any kind of immunity
Drugs Can be administered through a regular syringe Thousands can be administered at one time, for one, or many treatments Can construct, or deconstruct molecules to treat, or destroy
Diagnostics Diagnostic nanobots can take measurements, track certain cells, bacteria, etc. Transmit data back to doctors Nanocameras take images of healthy and/or damaged cells Can determine if other nanobots present should act
Medical Robots Can be effective in almost any part of human body Mouthwash Skin Cream Immune System Directed targeting of infected or diseased areas
Ethical Issues Not enough extensive work yet Nanobots may be so small they can pass through membranes within the body Blood-brain barrier Not known if nanobots toxic to humans
Issues cont. Long term risks Self-Replication Gray-goo scenario Invisible tracking and recording devices Bioterrorism
Issues cont. How much will it cost? Separation of those who can afford nanomedicine and who cannot? Gene therapy Altering DNA in unborn children
Transhumanism Transition from normal human, to one with enhanced abilities due to genetic enhancements Next step in human evolution? Longer life spans – overpopulation Eliminate disease, but eliminating humanity?
And in Conclusion… Overall positive benefits would help humans in eliminating disease and better health Negatives could be catastrophic, not only to oneself, but to the world
What do you think? Better for humanity, or a downfall? Would there still be a distinction between man and machine? Or another category? Could nanotechnology be controlled to only pertain to the good aspects? Who should be the ones that receive the nanomedicinal treatments?
References Berger, M. (2008, January 9). Ethical aspects of nanotechnology in medicine. Retrieved from http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=3938.php Bonsor, K., & Strickland, J. (2007). Nanotechnology challenges, risks and ethics. How Nanotechnology Works, Retrieved from http://science.howstuffworks.com/nanotechnology5.htm Davidson, Keay. (2005). Big troubles may lurk in super-tiny tech / nanotechnology experts say legal, ethical issues loom. Chronicle Science Writer, Retrieved from http://articles.sfgate.com/2005-10-31/news/17396870_1_foresight-nanotech-institute-nanotechnology-industry-nanomaterials Freitas Jr., R. A. (1999). Nanomedicine, volume i: basic capabilities. Retrieved from http://www.nanomedicine.com/NMI.htm Keating, E. L. (1999). A brief history of nanotechnology. Unpublished raw data, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. Retrieved from http://www.utexas.edu/cola/progs/sts/the-nano-future/science/a-brief-history-of-nanotechnology.php Lenhert, S. (2002). A brief history of nanotechnology. Retrieved from http://www.nanoword.net/pages/history.htm