Assignment 3 Andrew Williams
Assignment 3 Thursday 13 th January 2011 at 1:15pm You get 90 minutes (although the work should take no more than one hour) It is “open book” (“open internet”, more like) You may make use of my code or your code
Tasks 1.Create a folder called “SmithJ”, assuming you were called “Jane Smith” – If you were called “Peter Jones”, it would be called “JonesP” 2.Modify a load-list that I give you 3.Create four robots (in two teams) 4.Zip up the folder 5. it to me (I will give you the address)
Conditions The test will be conducted under exam conditions The test will be conducted in silence Mobile phones must be switched off Mobile phones must be in your bag/coat (ie not visible on the desk) Use of social networking sites is not allowed
Module feedback Please go to this site and fill in a questionnaire about this module (ie Scripting I)