Where we started…
Where we started
The journey… Basic Education Basic Education Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Deepening Knowledge Deepening Knowledge Creation Knowledge Creation OER+Web2.0 = C 3 D 2
Awareness Experiences Conceptual framework Practical experiences Policy development Policy implementation Further policy analysis Future cooperation
How can we ( IDB ) contribute?
Countries in which we work: Brazil Paraguay Colombia Chile Dominican Republic Peru Costa Rica Uruguay Honduras México
ICT in Education Framework Conceptual Framework
ICT in Education Framework and Indicators: Current Projects PUBLICATIONSSEMINARS Conceptual Framework 2.0Peru Panorama of ICT in Education Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean Uruguay (27-29 April 2011) in collaboration with UNESCO and KERIS Mexico (20-24 June 2011) with Virtual Educa/KERIS Brazil Colombia
21 st Century skills-
21 st Century Skills : Current Projects Participation in the assessment & design of 21 st Century Skills (ATC21s) Advisory Board 21 st Century Skills Pilot Project for Latin America: Costa Rica Publication on 21 st Century Skills More information at
One-to-One Computing: Current Projects EVALUATIONSPUBLICATIONS Peru (Experimental)Short-Term Impacts of the One Laptop per Child Program in Peru: A Randomized Evaluation (July, 2010) Paraguay (Quasi-experimental)One-to-One Computing in Latin America and the Caribbean (April 2011) Colombia (Quasi-experimental)Impacts of the One Laptop per Child Program in Peru: A Randomized Evaluation. Second Report (July, 2011) Brazil (Qualitative)Evaluation Toolkit for One-to-One Projects (September, 2011) Honduras (Experimental ( )) Other: Uruguay: Assistance with Plan CEIBAL
Modelos Uno a Uno en América Latina y el Caribe One to One programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
ICT in Education: other ongoing projects Technical and financial support to RELPE (Network of Latin American Education Portals ) Mobiles for Education (Participation in USAID for Development Alliance) Innovative Educational Practices: Teachers and Technologies for Learning (Project with Organization of American States) eLearning and Personal Learning Environments (PLE)
And now we
Carla Jimenez Web: Blog: