National Aeronautics and Space Administration DEVELOP National Program 2
National Aeronautics and Space Administration DEVELOP National Program International Air Quality Team 3
DEVELOP International Air Quality Science Advisors Goals Team Members Conclusion/Further Research NASA Missions Methods Results Using Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from the NASA MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to inform trends analysis related to PM 2.5 in the United States-Canada Border Region Introduction Transboundary air pollution concerns require improved research, analysis, and prediction of air quality conditions and trends. Comprehensive use of ground monitor networks, satellite sensors, and forecasting models for regional trends analysis benefits decision making and progress assessment of the 1991 U.S.-Canada Air Quality Agreement and PM Annex. Studies show a strong relationship between MODIS AOD and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ). MODIS provides extensive coverage of areas without ground monitors and may be used to address short and long- term impacts and progress in improving or maintaining air quality. Trends analysis using Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD, over the western U.S.-Canada border region, extending 500 km north and south of the border, from the west coast and eastward ~ 1142 km Resolve MODIS AOD to a standard grid (21 x 21 km) Correlate regridded MODIS/AERONET AOD Analyze MODIS AOD and PM 2.5 trends for May- September, Compare MODIS AOD and ground PM 2.5 trends Obtained AOD data from the MODIS instrument, launched on the NASA Terra and Aqua platforms (Level 2 Aerosol Product, Collection 5; data products MOD04_L2 and MYD04_L2) for the entire study region, May-September MODIS AOD was regridded to the standard 21 x 21 km Canadian Hemispheric Regional Ozone and NOx System (CHRONOS) model grid. The Terra (1030 Local Time overpass) and Aqua (1330 Local Time overpass ) AOD were averaged together to reduce diurnal bias for comparison to trends calculated via PM 2.5 daily averages. Jim Szykman, PhD Environmental Protection Agency Chieko Kittaka, PhD Doreen Neil, MS NASA Langley Research Center Raymond Hoff, PhD University of Maryland, Baltimore County Jill Engel-Cox, PhD Battelle Science & Technology International Amanda Ross DEVELOP The MODIS instruments provide near-total coverage of the entire region, but not all trends could be proven significant. MODIS AOD trends can be determined with greater spatial coverage than trends in PM 2.5. The magnitude of the July AOD trends varied over the region (min: ; max: 0.020). The magnitude of the July PM 2.5 trends varied between sites (min: 0.200; max:-0.045). The R 2 between the MODIS (Terra & Aqua) and PM 2.5 trends for the month of July, was Further research will examine the relationship between the direction and magnitude of the trends and how regional sources and regulations have changed over time (increased industrialization, land use, policy, etc.). Apply the method to assess trends in MODIS AOD to the eastern U.S.-Canada border region. Significant MODIS AOD and PM 2.5 trends were compared using simple linear regression. Trends that could not be proven statistically significant were removed (hypothesis test at α = 0.10). PM 2.5 trends were determined similarly using in situ 24-hour PM 2.5 measurements from the EPA Compliance and the Canadian National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) monitor networks. The significant PM 2.5 and MODIS AOD trends were compared. Kim Keith, Destiny Rainney, Brian Tisdale, Meral Sarper, Jonothan Lister, Dawn Jackson, Jennifer DeWinter Air Quality NASA Partner Data Sources The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and the environment. Since 1970, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people. Environment Canada's mandate is to preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment; conserve Canada's renewable resources; conserve and protect Canada's water resources; forecast weather and environmental change; enforce rules relating to boundary waters; and coordinate environmental policies and programs for the federal government. The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world. Launched December 18, 1999: provides data on the state of the atmosphere, land, and oceans Terra Mission (MODIS) Aqua Mission Launched May 4, 2002: provides precise atmospheric and oceanic measurements, regional to global land cover, land cover change. The AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork): optical ground based aerosol monitoring federated sun photometer network and data archive AERONET MODIS AOD was correlated with the ground Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) AOD (Level 2.0) using spatial and temporal co-location methods developed by Charles Ichoku et al., Extreme values resulting from wildfires within the region reduced by removing the top one percentile of the data. Simple linear regression of the 99 th percentile of the MODIS AOD was performed at each CHRONOS grid point Slopes of the lines were calculated and tested for significance (α = 0.1) to determine the direction and magnitude of the trends. July Terra & Aqua MODIS AOD Significant Trends 99 th Percentile July PM 2.5 All Trends 99 th Percentile Systematic and comprehensive analysis of ambient air pollutant trends is an important tool to assess changes in air quality and communicate associated changes to policy makers. AOD derived from the MODIS instrument aboard the NASA Terra and Aqua satellites is correlated with the ground-based AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET, AEROCAN in Canada) AOD and compared to trends in ambient fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) in the United States-Canada border region from May-September, AERONET AOD and regridded MODIS AOD showed correlations ranging from R 2 = 0 to R 2 = 0.89, varying between sites. For the month of July, , the combined Terra/Aqua trends correlated to PM 2.5 trends at R 2 = Higher correlations between MODIS AOD and PM 2.5 trends may be observed in the Eastern United States. The method developed is further applicable to assess the utility of MODIS AOD in border regions with sparse spatial ground PM 2.5 monitors. July Terra & Aqua MODIS AOD All Trends 99 th Percentile Methods Applications of National Priority MODIS0 AOD MODIS0 AOD PM2.50 _μg_ m PM2.50 _μg_ m30.200
5 Sometimes the vehicles we design are not used within their intended purpose!
10 And The Consequences?
15 The Effects of Mass Properties on Aircraft Vehicle Performance Aircraft Flight Qualities affected by the Mass Properties of the Vehicle Design Aircraft Flight Qualities affected by the Mass Properties of the Vehicle Design Range, Mission Radius, Time on Station, Maneuverability, Speed, Take-Off Performance, Landing Performance, etc. Range, Mission Radius, Time on Station, Maneuverability, Speed, Take-Off Performance, Landing Performance, etc. In General, Performance gets Harder to Achieve the Heavier the Vehicle In General, Performance gets Harder to Achieve the Heavier the Vehicle Safety of Flight impacted by the Center of Gravity and Weight of the Vehicle Safety of Flight impacted by the Center of Gravity and Weight of the Vehicle Example: *Range = (L/D)(V/sfc)ln(Wi/Wf) Lift to Drag Ratio: A measure of Aerodynamic Efficiency Velocity to Specific Fuel Consumption Ratio: A measure of Propulsion Efficiency Initial Weight (Take-off) to Final Weight (Landing) Ratio. A measure of the Airframe Weight Efficiency *Breguet equation for constant velocity and lift coefficient
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17 $1,000,000 cost per 1 lb payload to launch When Max Payload Weight is exceeded, payload will not achieve desired orbit The Effects of Mass Properties on Vehicle Performance
18 Flight Dynamics Attitude Control Orbit control Aerosciences Structural Integrity The Effects of Mass Properties on Vehicle Performance NASA Constellation Program Ares I and Ares V Launch Vehicles
National Aeronautics and Space Administration DEVELOP National Program 19 Engineering Applied to Space Exploration: Mass Properties Objectives –Assist the Abort Flight Test project (AFT) in meeting mass properties requirements. –Create efficient process to analyze and utilize recorded flight test hardware actuals –Support the development of an efficient methodology for mass properties data and FTA hardware Products –Ultimate Actuals List (UAL) and Tutorial –Quick Reference Guide Partners –NASA Systems Engineering Directorate, Mechanical Systems Branch –Abort Flight Test (AFT), Flight Test Article (FTA) Project –Orion Flight Test Office (FTO) –Lockheed Martin Space Systems Corporation –Orbital Sciences Corporation Engineering Advisors Amanda Cutright Brendan Shaughnessy NASA Langley Research Center
National Aeronautics and Space Administration DEVELOP National Program Ultimate Actuals List (UAL) 20 Location Tabs Specific Headers Previously, no set standard for recording actuals New design to record, calculate, and sort actuals Developed new log book template used in the fabrication shop Implemented by various NASA centers and partner organizations
National Aeronautics and Space Administration DEVELOP National Program Concept to Product Procedure 21 CM CAD Simulation Fabricated Part Ultimate Actuals List (UAL) Mass Properties Evaluation Tool (MPET) Testing Product Concept
National Aeronautics and Space Administration DEVELOP National Program 22
My Artwork at age 9!