Disciplinary Diversity of Units These slides expand the article How journal rankings can suppress interdisciplinary research: A comparison between innovation studies and business & management Available at: Ismael Rafols 1, Loet Leydesdorff 2, Alice O’Hare 1, Paul Nightingale 1 and Andy Stirling 1 1 SPRU —Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, 2 Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam,
Edinburgh ISSTI Sussex SPRU Manchest MIoIR Imperial College Business School Warwick Business School London Business School # of Publications SC of Publications Variety Balance Disparity Shannon Entropy Rao-Stirling Diversity # of References SC of References Variety Balance Disparity Shannon Entropy Rao-Stirling Diversity # of Cites SC of Cites Variety Balance Disparity Shannon Entropy Rao-Stirling Diversity
Cognitive Sci. Agri Sci Biomed Sci Chemistry Physics Engineering Env Sci & Tech Matls Sci Infectious Diseases Psychology Social Studies Clinical Med Computer Sci. Business & MGT Geosciences Ecol Sci Econ. Polit. & Geography Health & Social Issues Global Map of Science, SCI-SSCI 2007 Disciplinary-based (ISI Subject Categories) Rafols, Porter and Leydesdorff (2010) Global map of science
Subject Category of unit's publications Proportion of publications per Subject Category
Edinburgh ISSTI Subject Categories of publications Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Sussex SPRU Subject Categories of publications Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Manchester MIoIR Subject Categories of publications Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Imperial Business School Subject Categories of publications Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Warwick Business School Subject Categories of publications Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
London Business School Subject Categories of publications Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Subject Category of unit's references Proportion of references per Subject Category
Note: Publications and Cites were assigned to ISI Subject Categories (SC, subdisciplines) using directly the field provided in the records of the Web of Science (WoS). Hence 100% of Publications and Cites can be assigned to SCs. However, WoS does not provide the SC of references. The assignation of references to SCs was made using the list of journals in the ISI Journal Citation Reports (JCR) in Since many references are to journals not in the JCR, books and reports, only a subset of the references of each organisation could be assigned. ISSTISPRUMIoIRImperialWBSLBS Total references % of references assigned SC27%32%28%52%38%62% SC / Journal Total counts of SCs of references
Edinburgh ISSTI Subject Categories of references Nodes labelled if >1% publications
Sussex SPRU Subject Categories of references Nodes labelled if >1% publications
Manchester MIoIR Subject Categories of references Nodes labelled if >1% publications
Imperial Business School Subject Categories of references Nodes labelled if >1% publications
Warwick Business School Subject Categories of references Nodes labelled if >1% publications
London Business School Subject Categories of references Nodes labelled if >1% publications
Subject Categories of unit's cites Proportion of cites per discipline Dataset excludes any publications from own unit Still includes duplicates - if one paper is citing various of the unit's publications than it is counted numerous times
Edinburgh ISSTI Subject Categories of citations Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Sussex SPRU Subject Categories of citations Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Manchester MIoIR Subject Categories of citations Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Imperial College Business School Subject Categories of citations Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
Warwick Business School Subject Categories of citations Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications
London Business School Subject Categories of citations Nodes labelled if >0.5% publications