5 Themes of Geography Featuring Hawaii, Mississippi, New Zealand, Italy, and Russia. By: Noah Durnell period 2
Hawaii You should visit Hawaii because of it’s culture. (Their human characteristics) It is known as one of the strongest remaining cultures on earth. If you go to Hawaii, you will experience, and may get to participate in the arts of the Hawaiian culture including cultural music and dances like the hula dance. There are few pure blood Hawaiians left on earth today, making visiting Hawaii a great opportunity.
Mississippi Mississippi would be a great place to go because of its location. If you stay in Gulf port, you can get up the next morning and go fishing on the pacific ocean! Stay in Vicksburg, and you can go rafting on the river. But wherever you go you know you’ll have fun. Gulfport: Latitude 30.36 degrees Longitude -89.1 degrees Vicksburg: Latitude 32.35 degrees Longitude -90.87 degrees
New Zealand New Zealand has little actual formal regions, only up to about 20, and is separated from its functional regions by islands. New Zealand is located on the south eastern part of the globe, meaning, it has some nice weather year round.
Italy Have you ever had pizza? Then you have had Italian food. Pizza and pasta are just as popular in Italy as they are in the U.S. Someone came to the U.S and shared with everyone how to make pizza. It was pretty much 1 big movement.
Russia Russia’s enviroment is pretty awesome. Being very cold in russia has pushed them to modify the enviroment. They are currently in the top three best enviroments in the world.. To experience how they have adapted to the enviroment would be very cool to do.