Research Day What is Research Day? The Student-Faculty Research Day conference provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their research Held at the Pace Graduate Center in White Plains on the Friday of the last spring session of the Doctor of Professional Studies (DPS) program To make attendance convenient for DPS students M.S. students present final capstone project reports
Research Day Need for Research Day Until the initiation of the DPS program, the School of CSIS at Pace University did little research Pace University was (and still is) primarily a teaching institution No associated engineering school Hard science departments, such as mathematics and physics, do little research and basically service the other departments With the DPS program Research oriented faculty were hired for the program DPS students were producing research So there was a need for an internal research oriented conference
Research Day Origin of Research Day In 2001, several DPS and other Pace CSIS students and faculty made presentations at the Mid-Atlantic Student Workshop on Programming Languages and Systems (MASPLAS 2001)MASPLAS papers from Pace CSIS In 2002, we hosted MASPLAS 2002 at PaceMASPLAS papers from Pace CSIS, 3 from outside Pace In 2003, we held our first Research Day 2003 MASPLAS locations vary – we wanted conference here at Pace Being an internal conference, all papers from Pace CSIS
Research Day Project-Research Interplay CSIS masters-level capstone projects course Student teams build real-world computer information systems for actual customers Project work uses known technology to develop systems according to specified requirements (this is not research) Some project customers are DPS doctoral students These projects build supporting infrastructure for research Research is original, rigorous work that advances knowledge, improves professional practice, and/or contributes to the understanding of a subject Some Research Day papers report on DPS research and M.S. projects