1 NYSERDA Data Center Efficiency Program Columbia University Green Data Center Winter Workshop January 7 th, 2011
2 NYSERDA Mission: To advance innovative energy solutions in ways that improve New York’s economy and environment Vision: To serve as a catalyst – advancing energy innovation and technology, transforming New York’s economy, empowering people to choose clean and efficient energy as part of their everyday lives.
3 Importance of Data Centers in NYS New York has the 2 nd largest concentration of data centers in the US Energy efficient growth of data center load is key to maintaining sustainability of the NYS economy and IT delivery infrastructure Studies found: – NYS data centers consume ~4.5 billion kWh/yr at a cost of ~$600 million – Energy consumption by data centers is forecasted to double in 3-5 years
4 Challenges Facing Data Centers Today Growing IT Demand Constrained space and power availability Increasing energy and operating costs Common themes – Over-provisioned IT infrastructure – Ineffective/inefficient cooling – IT and Facilities coordination – Reliability is the priority
5 NYSERDA’s Data Center and IT Efficiency Program Goal: To maximize energy efficiency and computing performance in data centers by addressing all steps in the technology innovation chain, through: Research & Development Market Transformation Education and Training Deployment Initiatives Technology R&D Product/Process Development Demonstration Projects Market Development Market Adoption Commercial Applications Codes & Standards
6 Research & Development Research program developed in 2008 to support development and/or demonstration of energy efficient data center and computing technologies Technology R&D Product/Process Development Demonstration Projects Market Development Market Adoption Commercial Applications Codes & Standards Innovation supported through R&D’s NextGen Technologies (PON 1105, 1772) and Data Center and Server Efficiency (PON 1206) programs
7 NextGen - Current R&D Opportunity The NextGen Program (PON 1772) supports the development and/or demonstration of efficient energy end-uses in buildings; including data center hardware and space conditioning technologies Program provides support for feasibility studies, product development, demonstration, and commercialization of innovative technologies Max award is $300k per project. Round 3 (final) is due January 27 th
8 Research & Development NYSERDA R&D have supported 15 projects with over $3M in funding. Topics have included: Desktop, Server, and Storage Virtualization Energy Monitoring and Management Advanced Energy Efficient Servers Efficient File/Operating Systems Airflow Management Free Cooling Advanced UPS DC Power Distribution Cryo-Computing Solid-State Drives Technology R&D Product/Process Development Demonstration Projects Market Development Market Adoption Commercial Applications Codes & Standards
9 Market Transformation NYSERDA supports market analysis, training and information dissemination for the purpose of increasing awareness and to help motivate wider adoption of efficient technologies and practices Technology R&D Product/Process Development Demonstration Projects Market Development Market Adoption Commercial Applications Codes & Standards NYSERDA/ASHRAE Data Center Best Practices Workshops (2009, 2010) NYSERDA University Data Center Conference (2010) Market Research – “Barriers to Adoption” Data Center energy efficiency framework (DCEEF) – On-going
10 Deployment - Industrial and Process Efficiency NYSERDA’s IPE Program is investing ~$115 Million over three years to widen the deployment of commercially available energy efficient practices at manufacturing sites and data centers Technology R&D Product/Process Development Demonstration Projects Market Development Market Adoption Commercial Applications Codes & Standards Reduction Goal: 840,000 MWh 1,000,000 MMBtu Directly rewards data centers for sustainable, efficient load growth
11 FlexTech Program FlexTech is a technical assistance program that provides cost-shared engineering studies and energy audits for the purpose of identifying problem areas and energy efficiency opportunities Includes but not limited to: Feasibility Studies CFD Modeling Facility Systems IT Systems Benchmarking/Commissioning Provides 50% Cost Share Up to $1 million
12 Industrial and Process Efficiency Incentives Incentive is paid based on verified energy savings ($0.12/kWh upstate, up to $0.16/kWh in Con Edison) Incentives for energy saving improvements – IT: Next Generation Servers, Virtualization, Storage Consolidation, Server Load Prioritization and Optimization – Facilities: Air Flow Management, Cooling, Use of Waste Heat, UPS System Upgrades New construction or existing assets Detailed engineering analysis to determine savings Large projects require M&V 50% of project costs up to $5 million per project
13 Technical Assistance Studies for data centers interested in identifying their energy efficiency options. Energy Efficiency Incentives for retrofit and new construction projects to off-set the cost of energy efficiency improvements. Customer Installation Support to provide participating data centers with a complete package that addresses all energy related issues critical to their facilities’ operation. Outreach, Education, and Marketing to recruit data centers into the initiative. Joint Data Center Program Westchester Launch Date: January 27, 2011 Contact Info: or
14 Efficient Data Center Program Future Focus R&D – Continued emphasis on the development of innovative energy efficient technologies – Larger scale demonstrations of advanced concepts Market Transformation – Additional training and industry events to inform data center owners and operators of best practices Deployment – Energy productivity master planning – Development of customer/site specific energy per workload productivity metrics – Bringing critical teams together; CxO, IT, Facilities, Business Development – Long-term strategies for improving and measuring productivity
15 NYSERDA Data Center Efficiency Program Questions?
16 NYSERDA Data Center Efficiency Program R&D Bryan Berry x3537 Joseph Borowiec x3318 Deployment Chris Stump x3537 Sandy Hwang (NYC Office) x3009 Diane Foy – Willdan Energy Solutions Contact Information