Advisory Board 6 May 2010
Advisory Board Objective Class Goals – Big Picture Identify a Professional Organizations Equipment List Lecture/Curriculum Topics
Jeff Jensen, PE Steve Youngberg, PLS Scott Hill, PLS Trent Keenan, PLS Bill Desjardins (not present) Rick Barron, LSI Vern Little, PLS
Improve the CEE 121 Elementary Surveying Class Surveying Topics What every Civil Engineer should know about surveying Surveying Equipment Mentoring and Advising Internships Fundraising Scholarships
Identify Existing Conditions Data gathering (boundary identify), creating a topographic map Civil Design Construction/Project Layout As-Builts/Record Drawings
Proposed Trimble M3 Total Station ($6,400) M3 only ~ $4500 – get 3 units Trimble R8 GNSS Rover ($9520) 2 units includes TSC2 Nice to Have Trimble S 6 Robotic ($24,779) Trimble Net R5 Base ($17,395) Lvvwd – Skip Harness might be interested in setup a basestation at UNLV Recommend Looking into Lease Program
Field Notes Leveling Rotational Levels (skip) Boundary Surveys Record Research, Legal Descriptions (Vern). Research your home plat Distance Measurement Pacing, Chain, Total Station Traversing Angles, Azimuths, Bearing, Compass Rule, Accuracies Topographic Mapping Aerial Photos, Data Collection, Stereo, Infill Leo’s work, As-Built Surveys (Trent-Bill Scanner) CAD COGO, Closed Traverse, Misclosures, Alignments/Profiles, DTM, Earthwork (Volumes), Cross Section GPS (2 lectures) RTK, Survey Controller, Trimble Office Ellipsoid, Geoid Coordinate Systems State Plane, Lat/Long, UTM Scale Fractors, Grid- Ground, Datums (NAD & NAVD, Geodetic) Public Lands System (Steve) As-Built Surveys Construction Staking (DVD)
Nevada Association of Land Surveyors American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) American Congress on Surveying & Mapping (ACSM) Geographic and Land Information Society
NALS Boy Scouts – Surveying Merit Badge