PIXLR Free, Browser based Image Editing
Pixlr No “e” Free, browser based Upload image, edit it on-line, download image back to your own computer Photoshop-like interface Click “Open image editor” to get started
Opening images/Cropping Images File>New>Browse to image Opens.jpeg,.png,.bmp,.gif and.psd files Crop before you resize Choose cropping tool Click-and-drag to define cropped area Use sizing boxes to fine tune Click within image to accept the crop Use History panel (View>History) to start over
Resizing Images Image menu>Image Size Keep “Constrain proportions” checked to preserve width to height ratio Change one value, other will change proportionally
Image formats .jpg,.jpeg Good for complex imagery, photos .gif Good for simpler images, large areas of flat color 256 colors Supports transparency Supports animation NOT a format option for download in Pixlr .png Great for simpler images, large areas of flat color Millions of colors Supports transparency Not supported by all browsers (< IE4, NN) Doesn’t support animation
Saving Images File>Save Rename (so you don’t overwrite old one) Save to your computer Format (.jpeg,.bmp,.png,.pxd) No.gif option Quality (.jpeg only) Lower quality = smaller file size For web, lowest acceptable quality For print, highest quality
Red Eye Red eye removal tool in toolbox Zoom in on eyes Select tool, click red area
Filters For artistic effects Use with marquee tool to manipulate a specific area Shape of selection, feathering options Invert selection option: Edit>Inverse selection Filter menu Vignette Glamour Glow (no fine tuning) Diffuse Gaussian blur Pastels (slow!) Polar Coordinates Kaleidoscope
Marquee/Brightening/Text tools Choose marquee tool, set feathering Select area Adjustment menu>Brightness and Contrast Add text with text tool (automatically adds layer) Provide own line breaks Move afterward using move tool
Adding/Transforming Layers Bring in logo, drag layer onto image Choose logo layer Edit>Free Transform Hold down shit and drag sizing box