Total Operational Weather Readiness - Satellites (TOWR-S) Eric Guillot National Weather Service Office of Observations Integrity Applications Incorporated GOES-R Brown Bag 20 May 2015
TOWR-S Project Objective Evaluate the operational viability of GOES-R and JPSS satellite data and systems in support of the NWS forecast and warning missions
What is AWIPS-II? Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS-II) An AWIPS system is located at every NWS Weather Forecast Office and National Center NWS views all of their weather data (models, radar, satellite) in AWIPS NWS issues their weather products using AWPS
TOWR-S Basis Focus on AWIPS-II usage Use Case: Generally time critical, high-impact activity Large geographically diverse NWS user base: 122 Weather Forecast Offices 13 River Forecast Centers 8 National Centers Complex interaction between GOES-R, JPSS, and many other weather data sets Use Case: Describes a specific real-world mission action Characterizes the journey that the supporting data take from their use in the mission action all the way back to their observation The TOWR-G approach / methodology is applicable to other satellite program’s end-to-end testing. However, AWIPS may not be the mission endpoint for these programs. For example, an end point for COSMIC would be impact that GPSRO has on numerical weather prediction. DSCOVR and JASON also likely would not have AWIPS mission end points.
TOWR-S Approach Identify representative AWIPS-II use cases from NWS Directives based on: NWS mission priority Relative contribution and potential of GOES-R & JPSS Distribution across NWS organizations and facilities NOSIA mission service areas Work with operational forecasters to define reference use cases Trace use cases back to all data sources Derive validation objectives Design and execute tests Leverage GOES-R Data Operations Exercises (DOEs) Assess operational viability from validation objectives Identify areas requiring enhancement or remediation
TOWR-S Use Cases Initial use cases identified from the NWS Directives (categorized via NOSIA Mission Service Areas) 267 source documents reviewed, 498 use cases, 196 use case candidates (Candidate/Total) Severe Weather: 49/81 Hydrology and Water Resources: 10/54 Routine Weather: 39/150 Fire Weather: 3/9 Aviation Weather and Volcanic Ash: 36/53 Climate Monitoring and Assessment 3/13 Space Weather: 23/23 Climate Prediction: 0/33 Hurricanes and Tropical Storms: 22/26 Tsunami: 0/7 Marine Weather and Coastal Events: 11/27 Misc/Non-Weather: 0/22
Use Case Partners Use Case Organization Partners Position Severe Thunderstorm Warning Eastern Region Frank Alsheimer WFO Charleston SOO Dave Radell ER HQ Meteorologist Red Flag Warning Western Region Mel Norquist WFO Eureka SOO Mike Stavish WFO Medford SOO Hurricane and Tropical Storm Watch /Warning National Hurricane Center Mark DeMaria NHC Supervisory Meteorologist Mike Brennan NHC Senior Hurricane Specialist Volcanic Ash Advisory Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Jamie Kibler Washington VAAC Operations Manager Deterministic Hydrologic Forecast West Gulf River Forecast Center Greg Story Meteorologist Dust Storm Warning Southern Region Brian Guyer WFO Albuquerque Satellite Focal Point High Seas Forecast Ocean Prediction Center Jim Clark OPC Senior Meteorologist Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) Pacific Region Robert Ballard WFO Honolulu SOO Convective Sigmet Aviation Weather Center Bruce Entwistle AWC SOO Severe Thunderstorm Watch Storm Prediction Center Israel Jirak SPC SOO TBD Weather Prediction Center
Tracing of Use Cases Back to Data Source Other Data NWS forecaster executes the use case GOES-R Data Use Case Endpoint: Real World Mission Action GOES-R Data Not just about data flow (data distribution), its about identifying any obstruction or bottleneck from any of the stakeholders to achieving NWS mission. It’s also about answering the validation question “did we build the right thing?”. Does the GOES-R system satisfy the NOSIA (weather) mission requirements from which the GOES-R system requirements were derived. How effective is the system to meeting those? GOES-R Interface (AWIPS, PDA, GRB) New/Modified System Unchanged System System Stakeholder: Organization develops/operates systems in the path 8
Dataflow CONOPS – WFO Severe Thunderstorm Use Case SCMI Channel 2 Channel 7 Channel 8 Channel 9 Channel 10 Channel 12 Channel 13 Channel 14 NCF PDA Derived Winds GLM WFO Charleston Stab Indices TPW Cloud Temp Cloud Height = Standing Subscription = Terrestrial Link = AWIPS DD SBN = NWS SBN = AWIPS DD Terrestrial
Dataflow CONOPS – National Center Hurricane Warning Use Case GRB SCMI Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 7 Channel 8 Channel 9 Channel 10 Channel 12 Channel 13 Channel 14 NCF PDA National Hurricane Center Derived Winds GLM Hurr Intensity TPW SST = GRB Downlink = Terrestrial Link = Standing Subscription = NWS SBN = AWIPS DD Terrestrial
Red Flag Warning Use Case – AWIPS-II Display Diagram
Red Flag Warning AWIPS-II Procedure Display Red Flag Warning Use Case – AWIPS-II Display Bundle Red Flag Warning AWIPS-II Procedure Display
TOWR-S Milestones AWIPS Tests – Coordinated with AWIPS-2 contractor Raytheon to evaluate AWIPS-2 functionality and performance under simulated GOES-R data load Data Operations Exercises (DOEs) – Validation of NWS capability to effectively integrate GOES-R products into the forecast and warning mission areas. Event Date Purpose Status AWIPS Test #3 Jan 20 – 23 2015 Stress testing of Severe Thunderstorm Warning and Red Flag Warning A2 Procedures, Himawari simulated imagery Complete Satellite Science Week Meeting Feb 23-27 2015 Side meeting - NWS Operational & Training Participation exploitation planning for AWIPS Test 4, Poster presentation AWIPS Test #4 May 11 – 15 2015 Stress testing of TAF, Dust Storm Warning, and Deterministic Hydrologic Forecast A2 Procedures, first simulated GOES-R imagery sent over SBN Proving Ground/User Readiness Meeting June 15-19 2015 Detailed planning for DOE-4 exploitation integrated across agenda Planned SOO/DOH Meeting Sept 14-18 2015 Daily weather briefings using simulated GOES-R data DOE – 4 Oct 5 – Nov 11 2015 Full end-to-end data flow test from GOES-R Ground Segment to AWIPS-2 terminals at participating stakeholder locations (WFOs, National Centers, etc) Post DOE & GOES-R OT&E TOWR activities 2016 Focused enhancements in AWIPS, integration of Direct Broadcast capabilities, CONOPS development, further enhancements of capabilities into NWS operations Planning GOES-R DOE definition "Coordinated by the GOES-R Data Operations Support Team (DOST) to test dataflow through GOES-R ground segment to AWIPS interface"...our viewpoint expressed on slide
TOWR-S Lab at NWS HQ Development instance of AWIPS-II built for TOWR-S purposes Connected to GRB GSSIM simulator in lab to ensure DOE-4 functionality
TOWR-S Summary TOWR-S is about operational viability (usability) of GOES-R & JPSS data and its contribution to the NWS forecast and warning missions Tracking data flow across systems supports the TOWR-S effort, but distribution is just a component Operational forecasters across the country are partnering with TOWR-S to develop use cases TOWR-S validation effort will leverage GOES-R DOE-4 to execute the end-to-end operational environment