Attitude Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference. -anonymous-
Attitude is defined as a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object.
Attitude is the way you communicate your mood to others. Inside your head is where it all starts – attitude is a mindset. It is the way you look at things mentally. Attitudes are infectious. Moreover, it affects others. Our attitude is the strongest element we have to control in our lives. Attitudes can be changed.
Attitude can be characterized in different ways Changes with time and situation Related to feelings and beliefs of people Effects one’s behavior positively or negatively Affect perception Learned through experiences May be unconsciously held - SOMETIMES
Personal Attitude Contains our individual philosophy of life It is personal attitudes that make optimists and pessimists, idealists and cynics, mavericks and conformists, high achievers and dropouts.
Social Attitude Describes or view of society. It is this that make liberals and conservatives, moderates and radicals, pros and antis.
We do not just choose an attitude and cultivate it. Generally, our attitudes come from our environment, our experiences, our folks, and our friends. Every attitude we have, positive or negative, is always ready for action. For instance, if we do not like someone, it is almost impossible to hide it. People feel and sense our attitude.
Obstacles to Developing a Winning Attitude Exaggerating Overgeneralizing Personalizing “Either/or” thinking Jumping to conclusions Ignoring the positive
Develop a Positive Attitude Each Day Wake up to soft and pleasant music Allow yourself enough time to prepare for the day’s activities Think about positive things you expect to accomplish today Eat a healthy breakfast Each day, find some positive feature about your partner or a friend – compliment him/her Try not to take everything so seriously
Develop a Positive Attitude Each Day (cont’d) Try to see the positive aspects of at least one problem – see problems as opportunities Learn to accept situations over which you have no control. Often take time to reward yourself Expect the best of people and situations Appreciate the good things that happen Smile often
Develop a Positive Attitude Each Day (cont’d) Simplify! –Unused and unappreciated possessions –Too many involvements –Career-home balance –Putting off the little things –Holding on to worn-out relationships