Process Improvement: Practice Makes Better Facilitated for TAHIMA by: Carrie Cordero, MHA, RHIA Welcome to Process Improvement training! Data driven training, review data 5 min
Agenda & Learning Objectives Process Improvement (PI) intro and overview Tools for PI PI practice exercise in teams PI practice debrief as whole group Plus/delta and adjourn 3 minutes
Process Improvement – What Is It? Lean and the 8 Wastes Process Improvement is a systematic approach to help an organization optimize its underlying processes to achieve more efficient results. 5 min
Role Cards Leader Process checker Scribe Time keeper Additional Roles (as needed): Presenter: Leads presentation of group’s work to other groups. Recorder or Minute Taker: Takes meeting minutes and distributes. 5 min Introduce the meeting roles and talk about the additional roles. Each participant will have a set of meeting role cards. We encourage you to bring your set of cards to meetings you attend. If roles have not been assigned, request that they do and use your cards. Leader-Encourage participation, oversee work to ensure objectives are on task to be met and adjust as needed, ensure all voices have the chance to be heard Process checker-call out when getting into the weeds, ask if we have gotten off task, encourage use of “parking lot” Scribe-make thinking visible, NOT a minute taker Time keeper-Monitor time as prescribed, check with team/group if more time is needed vs parking lot item
Ground Rules Determine appropriate ground rules for your team and meeting purpose. 3 min Ground rules really are the rules of engagement for a team and/or meeting. It sets the expectations for the participants’ behaviors. We did not set static ground rules since there are different ground rules needed for different teams and purposes. For example raising hands. For some teams that is helpful and for some it might be stifling. Electronics is another. In some teams it might be okay to periodically check e-mail or send a text and in others it isn’t. Don’t forget the basics like: have fun, participate, no sidebars (we want to hear what you have to share), etc.+ It is up to the entire team to uphold ground rules. If you say nothing…then what is the purpose of having the ground rules?
Brainstorming Brainstorming- When you need to explore many ideas Process: The facilitator presents the topic for which ideas are sought. The wording should encourage specific, tangible ideas, not abstract ideas or opinions. The facilitator makes sure the group members understand the topic, the objective of the brainstorming session and the process to be followed. Clearly state the topic and brainstorming guidelines Begin the brainstorming session, recording all ideas on flip chart paper or Post-Its® End the session when the ideas stop coming or when time allotted expires Applications: FREEWHEELING: Where group members call out their ideas spontaneously – the Scribe records ideas as they are suggested ROUND ROBIN: Where the Leader or Scribe asks each member, in turn, for an idea – members may pass on any round, and the session continues until all members have passed during the round Each participant writes down his/her ideas on Post-Its® and passes them on to the facilitator Rules: No evaluation of ideas Encourage wild ideas Build on the ideas of others Looking for quantity of ideas vs. quality No discussion of ideas during brainstorming Record all ideas Everyone is equal 3 min
Building Concensus Encourage even participation Invite quieter people to contribute Check assumptions– Ask Questions Check for understanding by all Fist to Five ~ Thumbs up, thumbs down Don’t get stuck by analysis paralysis “With enough reflection, even the most straightforward problem can be turned into an unsolvable conundrum” 3 min Some times it takes a long time to build agreement. It is helpful for the leader to be very specific about how decisions will be made. This works well with consensus. On the other hand, if you’ve made a decision unilaterally instead of using the process above provide information as to how the decision was made – background supporting information; the why. Then the team not only understands what the decision is but how it was made. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Fist to five, with a fist being totally disagree and 5 being completely, Negative polling (does anyone disagree?) – be cautious of using negative polling if the team doesn’t feel safe to speak up, and Thumbs up thumbs down to vote. Does anyone disagree? What parts do you disagree with? What parts would you change? Does anyone have reservations? What are they? Under what conditions could you support the decision? What can we do to remove barriers you face? Ladder of inference: Make your invisible thinking visible to others
4 Step Problem-Solving Method Visual A3-When you need to solve a problem [CARRIE]
Example of Problem Solving (Burnt Toast) 7 min Count off by 3 at the end of this.
Process Improvement Practice Round #1 Baseline Round Directions (23-24 minutes TOTAL) Introductions: name, where you work or go to school, position and/or year of education, and one “bucket list” activity done or still to do (8 min) Designate 1 Timer and 1+ Observer(s) for each group (1 min) depending on size - get directions from Carrie or Corinne. You will need these roles each round Each group stand in a circle with space (6-12”) between each person. A facilitator must be called to watch this round. Someone in the circle to toss ball to another team member of choice. Begin timer. REMEMBER THIS PATTERN Once each team member has caught the ball, the timer can be stopped Place your hands in the air when you have completed this round This round determines your baseline moving forward. Use what you have observed/learned during this round to reduce your target in half. You will have 15 minutes to plan for round#2. You must follow identical pattern as round #1. 23-24 min Expectations Everyone participates Practice P.I., use meeting roles and tools, scribe what worked/what didn’t
Process Improvement Practice Round #2 Check & Adjust Round Directions When given the signal to go, you will begin round #2. You must follow same pattern as determined in round #1. Each team member must touch the ball. Timer starts when first person begins and stops when last person from the team has had the ball. Observer to document on observations sheet. Place your hands in the air when you have completed this round Use what you have observed/learned during this round to reduce your target time in half You will have 5 minutes to plan for round #3 5 min Expectations Everyone participates Practice P.I., use meeting roles and tools, scribe what worked/what didn’t
Process Improvement Practice Round #3 Final Check & Adjust Round Directions When given the signal to go, you will begin round #3. You must follow same pattern as determined in rounds #1 & #2. Each team member must touch the ball. Timer starts when first person begins and stops when last person from the team has had the ball. Observer to document on observations sheet. Place your hands in the air when you have completed this round You will have 5 minutes to discuss and scribe observations as a team and prepare for debrief/report out 5 min Expectations Everyone participates Practice P.I., use meeting roles and tools, scribe what worked/what didn’t
Debrief How do you feel? What went well? Plus/Delta How do you feel? What went well? Did you meet or exceed your target? Why or why not? What could have gone better or what would you have done differently? What did you learn & how will you use it? 20 min Ask Corinne to scribe plus/deltas What questions/challenges do you have re: what we’ve discussed today?
Closing You EARNED your CEU’s!!! 2 Min CONTACT INFO: Carrie Cordero Email:, cell: 253-820-4931