Le présent simple ou le présent be+ing Je joue I play (en général ) I play football every day I am playing (en train ou futur) I am playing football this.


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Presentation transcript:

le présent simple ou le présent be+ing Je joue I play (en général ) I play football every day I am playing (en train ou futur) I am playing football this evening.

Je suis allé Jai joué I went prétérit I went prétérit I went to England last week. I went to England last week. I went to England two weeks ago. I went to England two weeks ago. I played football yesterday I played football yesterday

futur Jirai I will go I shall go Jirai I will go I shall go I wont go I wont go

Je suis allé I went prétérit action révolue I went prétérit action révolue I went to England last year. I went to England last year. I have gone present perfect bilan I have often gone to England. I have never gone to England

Je viens de Je viens de finir Je viens de finir I have just finished. I have just finished. Il vient darriver Il vient darriver He has just arrived He has just arrived

Jhabite depuis. Présent +depuis Jhabite ici depuis 5 ans Jhabite ici depuis 5 ans I have been living here for 5 years. I have been living here for 5 years. Japprends langlais depuis 5 ans. Japprends langlais depuis 5 ans. I have been learning English for 5 years. I have been learning English for 5 years.

Je veux que…. je mattends à ce que… Je veux que tu fasses cela pour demain. Je veux que tu fasses cela pour demain. I want you to do that for tomorrow. I want you to do that for tomorrow. Je mattends à ce quil arrive ce soir. Je mattends à ce quil arrive ce soir. I expect him to arrive this evening. I expect him to arrive this evening.

plusqueparfait Javais joué Javais joué I had played. I had played. jétais allé jétais allé I had gone I had gone

Jaurai fini je serai parti Jaurai fini Jaurai fini I will have finished I will have finished Je serai parti Je serai parti I will have left I will have left

Je venais de +infinitif I had just +PP Je venais de finir Je venais de finir I had just finished I had just finished Ils venaient de partir. Ils venaient de partir. They had just left. They had just left.

Jallais Jallais souvent au cinéma. Jallais souvent au cinéma. I often went to the cinema. I often went to the cinema.

Conditionnel Jirais Jirais I would go Id go I would go Id go Je finirais Je finirais I would finish Id finish I would finish Id finish

Il se peut que jaille… peut-être que jirai I may go I may go Perhaps I will go / Maybe I will go Perhaps I will go / Maybe I will go

Je serais arrivé jaurais fini Je serais arrivé Je serais arrivé I would have arrived I would have arrived Jaurais fini Jaurais fini I would have finished I would have finished