Asst. Prof. Sibila Borojević Šoštarić University of Zagreb,


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Presentation transcript:

EIT - KIC Raw materials*: exploration-exploitation-extraction-processing-recycling-reuse Asst. Prof. Sibila Borojević Šoštarić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering BARITE BAUXITE GRAPHITE HALITE *non energy, non agricultural raw materials

EIT - KIC Raw materials: exploration-exploitation-extraction-processing-recycling-reuse KIC = Knowledge and Innovation Community; Initiative of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) EIT - an independent body of the European Union established in March 2008, part of H2020 with a dedicated budget of 2,7 billion € Research & technology Higher Education Mission: increase European sustainable growth and competitiveness by reinforcing the innovation capacity of the EU Conceptual methodology: integrate higher education, research and business in areas of high societal need (the knowledge triangle) Overcoming fragmentation via long-term integrated partnerships and achieving critical mass Existing KIC-s Climate-KIC EIT ICT Labs KIC InnoEnergy Industry & SMEs

From student to entrepreneur What is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC)? KICs are the operational part of the EIT KICs are long-term (min. 10 years) highly integrated, creative and excellence-driven partnerships gathering world-class partners from industry, research and universities KICs aim at implementing results from classic R&D projects and bring them to market readiness KICs receive a funding from the EIT to leverage ongoing projects towards market implementation New R&D mindset “Research is to transform money into knowledge, Innovation is to turn knowledge into money” KIC InnoEnergy Development, testing and market transfer of new technologies From lab to market Design of industry oriented, interdisciplinary education schemes From student to entrepreneur New ways of collaboration between industry and research From idea to product

Metallurgy/ Recycling EIT KIC for Raw Materials The aim: To ensure accessibility, availability and sustainable use of raw materials that is and achieve a resource efficient economy What it will achieve: KIC raw materials will be a knowledge hub and centre of expertise on academic, technical and practical education and research in sustainable surface, subsurface, deep-sea, urban and landfill mining, material management, recycling technologies, end of life management, material substitution and open trade as well as global governance in raw materials. Exploration Extraction Processing Metallurgy/ Recycling Substitution

Main advantages Strong network Impact on policy-makers Networking strongest EU partners in raw materials sector (Industry & SME, Academia & Research centers) Impact on policy-makers Direct impact on EU policies in Raw material sector Priority areas defined by the KIC Raw materials Financing – H2020, Regional Funds Indirect impact on national priority goals (funding through national structural funds) Industry-oriented Transfer and development of new and innovative technologies Founding of new, industrial-related education programs Industry-oriented PhD & MsC Theses

EIT KIC for Raw Materials Facts Launching December 2014 112 partners (Core&Assoc) 6 colocation centres ESEE region = Leoben UniZg = Associated partner RGNF - Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering MF - Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak GF - Geotechnical Faculty, Varaždin PMF - Faculty of Science FKIT - Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology ŠF - Faculty of Forestry PBF - Faculty of Food and Biotechnlogy AF – Faculty of Agriculture Nordic CLC (Primary Materials) Western CLC (Secondary Materials) Central CLC Materials Leoben ESEE Southern CLC (Bio Based Materials, Substitution)

Materials (1) Construction materials Industrial minerals Hruškovec basalt quarry, Kalnik Mts., NW Croatia Evaporite deposit, Knin, Croatia

Materials (2) Wood, biomass Green-Tech critical elements Secondary materials Rare Earth Elements in bauxite, S. Croatia

Economy Expected impact: Croatia Society Sustainable development MID-TERM Society *Institutions *Legal practice *Education Sustainable development Planning Life cycle Rising public awareness Sustainable development Environment *Responsible mining *Green-Tech processes *Environmental- friendly industries *Emissions and waste Economy *Production *Export *New value *Employment Sustainable use of recourses and supply of the market SHORT-TERM- MID-TERM LONG-TERM

(1) Infrastructure project Outcomes (1) Infrastructure project UniZg research Center for primary and secondary materials Preparation phase. Estimated value 60 MKn Straightening 8 key laboratories of the University of Zagreb for analytical support of the forthcoming specific KIC projects (mineral resources, secondary resources and biomaterials) Expected synergies and complementarities: Interdisciplinary approach, sharing existing and new equipment, full service for industrial partners, increasing capacities for implementation of European projects Outcomes: Formation of Croatian research center for primary and secondary materials; supporting multidisciplinary R&D and industrial projects, straitening existing and supporting new multidisciplinary Ms and PhD studies Partners : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering; Faculty of Metallurgy; Geotechnical Faculty; Faculty of Science; Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology; Faculty of Forestry; Faculty of Food and Biotechnology; Faculty of Agriculture 10

Simplified SIC structure RGNF - Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering MF - Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak GF - Geotechnical Faculty, Varaždin PMF - Faculty of Science FKIT - Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology ŠF - Faculty of Forestry PBF - Faculty of Food and Biotechnlogy AF – Faculty of Agriculture Simplified SIC structure ŠF, PBF, AF RGNF, PMF Exploration Excavation Extraction Processing Recycling Reuse, Substitute MF, FKIT RGNF ŠF Raw materials GF, RGNF MF, RGNF, FKIT ŠF, PBF, AF MF, FKIT Mineral resources ŠF, PBF, AF Bio resources 11

Outcomes: (2) H2020 project MinGuide Submitted April 2015. Estimated value 2 ME Partners : 9 Partner (8 EU MS): Vienna University; Lulea Technical University; University of Westminster; National Technical University Athens; Montanuniversität Leoben; University of Zagreb Stock-taking of EU MS an EU level minerals policy & legislation benchmark analysis of existing EU MS minerals policies and legislation identification and sharing of best practice examples of existing EU MS minerals policies and legislation 1) Governance policy framework 2) Innovative approaches to mining activities 3) Raw Materials Knowledge and information Base 4) cross-border rules for sub-surface and deep sea exploitation 12

KriMMi - Crisis Management and Mine Rescue Summer School Outcomes: (3) EIT Summer School KriMMi - Crisis Management and Mine Rescue Summer School Under preparation Estimated value 100 kE The HSE – Risk Mangagenet Summer School aims to contribute to form a “new type” of graduates in the mining sector leading to additional qualifications after university in order to carry out practical sector-specific tasks. Partners: Montan University Leoben; Trinity Collage; University of Zagreb 13

HSE - Risk Management in Mining - Summer School Outcomes: (4) EIT Summer School HSE - Risk Management in Mining - Summer School Introduction into the objectives and methods of risk management in mines Definitions: hazard, risk, damage, severity number, risk number Types of risks in mining: safety, human, geological, technical, economic, contractual, political, time, environmental Safety risk-safety statistics Acceptable and tolerable risks Methods of risk identification: brain storming, risk check lists, expert risk evaluation Methods of risk analysis: Regression and correlation analysis, probabilistic event analysis, fault tree analysis, Delphi-method, Monte Carlo simulation, scenario building Risk classification: risk matrix-severity and probability; risk register Risk treatment: eliminate Monitoring: physical, environmental, financial, human Human factor in risk management Partners: Montan University Leoben; Trinity Collage; University of Zagreb Under preparation Estimated value 100 kE 14

Outcomes: (5) EIT PhD Strengthening the ESEE strategy and highlighting potential starting links Under preparation Estimated value 100 kE A list of deposits, mines, companies, universities (mining, geology), R&D centres and geological data is created. This information is partly already available and is collected jointly with the partners (i.e. by theses). Activities: Completing inventory by several theses and collaboration with partners. Deliverables: Theses, Publications, Inventory Partners: Montan University Leoben; University of Zagreb, ESEE region 15

(6) EIT Network of Infrastructure PreFlex Outcomes: (6) EIT Network of Infrastructure PreFlex Under preparation Estimated value 350 kE Recovery of valuable raw materials from complex waste streams (eg. slags, sludges, dusts, WEEE, incineration ashes, shredder waste) by physical separation and pre-treatment technologies, e.g. (para)magnetic, density, triboelectrostatic, flotation Specialised lab, pilot or full scale equipment for physical separation and pre-treatment of complex waste streams, backed by adequate modelling capacity; the network will provide access to a variety of physical separation facilities and provide quick characterisation tools to identify suitable valorisation routes/techniques •Expected synergies: The network will combine complementary separation technologies offered by the partners and as such provides a unique access point to evaluate the feasibility of a range of physical separation and pre-treatment techniques Partners: VITO recycling company; RWTH Aachen University; Qutotec; TU Freiberg; University of Zagreb; 16