中国家用电器协会 China Household Electrical Appliances Association HFC 与中国家用电器行业 HFCs in China Household Electrical Appliances Sector 2015 年 4 月 王雷 Wang Lei
家用电器行业 HFC 消耗 HFCs Consumption in Household Appliance Sector 冰箱冷柜行业 Refrigerator/Freezer Sector R134aR245fa 家用空调行业 Room Air-conditioner Sector R410a HFC 与中国家用电器行业 HFCs in China Household Electrical Appliances Sector 与 HFC 相关的家电有两个重要产品:电冰箱、空调器,产能和市场规模很大的两个产 业,一个已经基本绕过了 HFC ;但空调器的 HFC 用量正在随着 HCFC 的消减在增加 HFC-related appliances include two important products: refrigerators/freezers and air-conditioners, which are two sectors with large scale production and markets; refrigerators/freezers have almost avoid HFCs, while the consumption of HFCs in air conditioners is increasing with the HCFC phase-out.
冰箱冷柜产量约 9000 万台,占全球总产量 54% 冰箱冷柜产量约 9000 万台,占全球总产量 54% The production of refrigerators /freezers is about 90 million units each year, accounting for 54% of global production The production of refrigerators /freezers is about 90 million units each year, accounting for 54% of global production 经过全行业努力,在政府引导和多边基金支持下,绕过 HFC ,天然工质 HC 成为主流,占比约 93% , 2013 年温室气体 减排达到 6.8 亿吨 CO 2 当量。 经过全行业努力,在政府引导和多边基金支持下,绕过 HFC ,天然工质 HC 成为主流,占比约 93% , 2013 年温室气体 减排达到 6.8 亿吨 CO 2 当量。 With the efforts of the sector, guidance from the government and support from the Multilateral Fund, avoiding HFCs, HC natural refrigerants has become the dominant refrigerants, which accounts for about 93% of the production, equals to 680 MtCO 2 e in With the efforts of the sector, guidance from the government and support from the Multilateral Fund, avoiding HFCs, HC natural refrigerants has become the dominant refrigerants, which accounts for about 93% of the production, equals to 680 MtCO 2 e in 仍有少量的 HCFC 和 HFC : 2013 年冰箱冷柜用 HFC134A 约 1500 吨, HCFC-141B 约 6000 吨用于发泡剂,可能的替代物 之一是 HFC-245fa 。 仍有少量的 HCFC 和 HFC : 2013 年冰箱冷柜用 HFC134A 约 1500 吨, HCFC-141B 约 6000 吨用于发泡剂,可能的替代物 之一是 HFC-245fa 。 There is still a small amount of HCFC and HFC: consumption for HFC-134a used in refrigerators /freezers in 2013 is about 1500 tons, while for HCFC-141b is approximately 6000 tons as blowing agent, with small amount of HFC-245fa alternative There is still a small amount of HCFC and HFC: consumption for HFC-134a used in refrigerators /freezers in 2013 is about 1500 tons, while for HCFC-141b is approximately 6000 tons as blowing agent, with small amount of HFC-245fa alternative HFC 与中国家用电器行业 HFCs in China Household Electrical Appliances Sector
中国家用空调器产量规模 亿台,占全球空调总产量 80% ,并持续保持增长 中国家用空调器产量规模 亿台,占全球空调总产量 80% ,并持续保持增长 The production of household air-conditioner in China is 110 million units, accounting for 80% of global production, and keep growing The production of household air-conditioner in China is 110 million units, accounting for 80% of global production, and keep growing HFC 与中国家用电器行业 HFCs in China Household Electrical Appliances Sector 随着 HCFC 的消减,家用空调行业 HFC 的消费量正在加大 HFC consumption of household air-conditioning sector is increasing with the phase-out of HCFCs 2013 年中国家用空调行业 HCFC-22 消费量冻结在 年基线水平,替代品主要为 HFC-410A , HFCs 消耗规模 2013 年约 4.6 万吨。 2013 年中国家用空调行业 HCFC-22 消费量冻结在 年基线水平,替代品主要为 HFC-410A , HFCs 消耗规模 2013 年约 4.6 万吨。 Consumption of HCFC-22 in China household air- conditioning sector of 2013 froze at the consumption baseline in by using dominant alternative of HFC-410a, and HFCs consumption increased to about 46,000 tons. Consumption of HCFC-22 in China household air- conditioning sector of 2013 froze at the consumption baseline in by using dominant alternative of HFC-410a, and HFCs consumption increased to about 46,000 tons.
HFC 与中国家用电器行业 HFCs in China Household Electrical Appliances Sector 随着 ODS 的淘汰,中国家用空调行业 HFCs 的消费量今年呈现大幅上升趋势; 随着 ODS 的淘汰,中国家用空调行业 HFCs 的消费量今年呈现大幅上升趋势; With the phase-out of ODS, HFCs consumption in China household air- conditioning sector this years showed an increasing trend; With the phase-out of ODS, HFCs consumption in China household air- conditioning sector this years showed an increasing trend; 2013 年中国家用空调行业 HCFC-22 消费量冻结在 年基线水平,替代品主 要为 HFC-410A , HFCs 消耗规模 2013 年约 4.6 万吨。 2013 年中国家用空调行业 HCFC-22 消费量冻结在 年基线水平,替代品主 要为 HFC-410A , HFCs 消耗规模 2013 年约 4.6 万吨。 Consumption of HCFC-22 in China household air-conditioning sector of 2013 froze at the consumption baseline in by using dominant alternative of HFC-410a, and HFCs consumption increased to about 46,000 tons. Consumption of HCFC-22 in China household air-conditioning sector of 2013 froze at the consumption baseline in by using dominant alternative of HFC-410a, and HFCs consumption increased to about 46,000 tons. 随着 HCFC 的消减,家用空调行业 HFC 的消费量正在加大 HFC consumption of household air-conditioning sector is increasing with the phase-out of HCFCs
市场推广 Marketing 安装维修体系、操作人员培训认证体系都在重新构建过程中,需要时间。 安装维修体系、操作人员培训认证体系都在重新构建过程中,需要时间。 The installation /service system and occupational training /certification system is conducting, and it will be a process for the construction. The installation /service system and occupational training /certification system is conducting, and it will be a process for the construction. HFC 与中国家用电器行业 HFCs in China Household Electrical Appliances Sector 完善技术方案 Improved technological solutions : 安全风险评估 Safety Risk Assessment 安全风险评估 Safety Risk Assessment 降低系统充注量 Charge Size Reduction 降低系统充注量 Charge Size Reduction 产品安全性能 Research on Safety Performance 产品安全性能 Research on Safety Performance 制冷剂分布特性 Refrigerant Distribution Study 制冷剂分布特性 Refrigerant Distribution Study 制热性能提升 Heating Performance Promotion 制热性能提升 Heating Performance Promotion 专用压缩机研发 R290 Compressors 专用压缩机研发 R290 Compressors 基于国际技术发展和国内开展的技术准备,中国家用空调行业为淘汰 HCFC-22 的替代 技术路线,优先选择了具有保护臭氧层和减排温室气体双重环境效益的天然工质丙烷 作为主要的替代品; 基于国际技术发展和国内开展的技术准备,中国家用空调行业为淘汰 HCFC-22 的替代 技术路线,优先选择了具有保护臭氧层和减排温室气体双重环境效益的天然工质丙烷 作为主要的替代品; Based on the internationally technological progress and domestically technological preparation, China household air-conditioner sector has selected ozone protective and climate friendly natural propane refrigerants as the recommended alternatives to phase out HCFC-22. Based on the internationally technological progress and domestically technological preparation, China household air-conditioner sector has selected ozone protective and climate friendly natural propane refrigerants as the recommended alternatives to phase out HCFC-22.
国际标准 International Standard IEC 修订; IEC 修订; IEC Revision IEC Revision 可燃工质可以使用,但制冷剂充注量受到限制; 可燃工质可以使用,但制冷剂充注量受到限制; Flammable refrigerants is technically acceptable, but the charge size is restrictied; Flammable refrigerants is technically acceptable, but the charge size is restrictied; 修改的意愿,倾向于 HFC 物质,而对低 GWP 工质充注量严格限制,由此: 修改的意愿,倾向于 HFC 物质,而对低 GWP 工质充注量严格限制,由此: Present version of standard is beneficial to HFCs application, while the restriction on the charge size of low GWP fluids leads to: Present version of standard is beneficial to HFCs application, while the restriction on the charge size of low GWP fluids leads to: 制约大冷量产品的开发 Restricted Cooling Capacity 限制制热性能的发挥 Restricted Heating Performance 限制能效优势的发挥 Limited Advantage on Energy Efficiency 增加了产品成本 Increased Product Costs HFC 与中国家用电器行业 HFCs in China Household Electrical Appliances Sector
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