6 Birthday and Place Module (L11-L12) Birthday and Place test Review Chinese IAB (IA +IB)
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Please select the correct pronunciation for the following words: 邀请 yāo qǐng – to invite 怎么 zěn me – how 朋友 péng you – friend 庆祝 qìng zhù – to celebrate Lesson 11 Review Q1-4
Please translate the following sentences into English. 我想和爸爸、妈妈一起庆祝。 (wo xiang he ba ba ma ma yi qi qing zhu) =>I want to celebrate with my father and mother together. 今天是二月二十号。 ( jin tian shi er yue er shi hao) =>Today is February 20 th. 你怎么知道? ( ni zen me zhi dao) => How do you know? 到时我会给你一个惊喜。 (dao shi wo hui gei ni yi ge jing xi) => I will give a surprise then. Review Q5-8
Please respond to the following question. 生日快乐! => Your response will be 谢谢。 Note : 生日快乐! sheng ri kuai le – happy birthday 谢谢 xie xie – thanks Review Q9
Please put the words below into correct order. 怎么 / 想 / 生日 / 庆祝 / 你 => 你想怎么庆祝生日。 (ni xiang zen me qing zhu sheng ri) What do you want to celebrate your birthday? Review Q10
Listening and speaking comprehension to select the correct answer. 你想怎么庆祝生日,谢谢,我想和几个朋友一起庆祝。 nǐ xiǎng zěnme qìngzhù shēngrì, xièxiè, wǒ xiǎng hé jǐ gè péngyǒu yīqǐ qìngzhù. How you want to celebrate a birthday, thank you, I want to celebrate with a few friends together. Your answer should be Review Q11
Please put the words below into correct order. 需要 / 帮助 / 你 / 我 / 的 => 我需要你的帮助。 (wo xu yao ni de bang zhu) I need to your help. Lesson 12 Review Q1
Please judge the following statement according to the text. 李美美和小松平子正在吃晚饭。 T/F True ( li mei mei he xiao song ping zi zheng zai chi wan fan) Li Mei Mei and Xiao Song Ping zi is eating dinner now. Review Q2
Match the answer with the question: 3 号文件在哪儿? ( san hao wen jian zai na er) Where is number 3 file? => 在桌子上面的文件夹里。 (zai zhuo zi shang mian de wen jian jia li) It is inside the file folder on the desk. 你可以来公司吗? (ni ke yi lai gong si ma) Can you come to company? => 可以 (ke yi) - yes Review Q3-4
Match the answer with the question: 你最近怎么样? ( ni zui jin zen me yang) How are you doing recently? => 我最近很忙。 ( wo zui jin hen mang) I am very busy recently 你在哪儿? Where are you? (ni zai na er) => 我在公司 。 I am at company. (wo zai gong si) Review Q5-6
Listening/speaking comprehension 李美美在哪儿? (li mei mei zai na er) Where is Li Mei Mei? => 李美美在家。 (li mei mei zai jia) Li Mei Mei is at home. Review Q7
我 zui Review addition 1-3 Complete sentence. 我这里有些事, => 需要你的帮助. I have things to do here => I need your help. (wo zhe li you xie shi,=> xu yao ni de bang zhu) 你最近怎么样? => 我最近很忙。 How are you recently? => I am very busy recently. ( ni zui jin zen me yang => wo zui jin hen mang.)
我 zui Review addition 4-6 Translation in English: 公司有很多事.=> There are so many things in company. (gong si you hen duo shi) 你在哪儿 => Where are you? (ni zai na er ) 我现在要去公司。 => I need to go to company now. (wo xian zai yao qu gong si) 我的生日就要到了。 => My birthday is coming soon. (wo de sheng ri jiu yao dao le)
Please put the word into the correct place. 上面 在 A 桌子 B 的 C 文件夹 D 里。 => B Please put the word into the correct place. 帮 请 A 我 B 找 C 3 号文件。 => A Review addition 7-8
Review addition 9-10 Please put the word into the correct place. 正在 我 A 和 B 我的朋友 C 吃 D 晚饭。 =>C Please put the word into the correct place. 想 我 A 和 B 爸爸、妈妈 C 一起 D 庆祝。 (choose placeholder A,B,C or D) =>A
Matching pinyin and English translation 惊喜 jing xi - to surprise 想 Xiang – to think 一起 yi qi – together 来 lai – to come 知道 zhi dao – to know 最近 zui jin - recently 可以 ke yi – can 正在 zheng zai – is doing something now ( Chinese ing) 找 zhao – to look for Review addition 11-19