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SKP 1 2 3 4 第一PPT:www.1ppt.com Log and its implication ,slogan Three main product lines 3 Overseas market 4 Recruitment plan 第一PPT:www.1ppt.com
Product lines 1 package 2 Party ware 3 stationery 第一PPT:www.1ppt.com
S K P PTE LTD Please contact : 6253 5889 Please contact : 6545 2828 SKP Retail Stores : : Position available - ( Sales coordinators ,Trainee supervisors & Management Trainees ) Locations- Tiong Bahru Plaza , Woodlands Jurong , Chinatown , Yishun , Ubi Ave .. Please contact : 6545 2828 Interview location : 28 Loyang Drive,SKP Industrial Building Time : 8.30am - 12noon -1.00pm - 5.00pm Please contact : 6253 5889 Interview location : Blk 510 Bishan Street 13 , #01-520 Time :10.30am - 6.00pm S K P PTE LTD
Technology . SKP is fully computerized in all its administrative and inventory control functions. The company spent more than S$1 million on its computer system. The customized network system is linked to all departments for better integration, command and control. This investment has resulted in greater efficiency in the workforce.
Main customers our customers include popular and established restaurants, fast food chains, coffee shops, supermarkets, coffee-clubs, and food courts around the island. Status in market and market share SKP is the largest supplier of disposable plastic packaging in the local market, commanding 70% of the market share. .
Overseas market USA, United Kingdom ,Australia , Japan , Europe , Brunei , Middle East and Korea , etc.
Leader: Led by the Chairman Mr. Lim Seow Khim and his 4 brothers, the senior management are keen observers of market trends.
Summary: SKP has advanced technology and excellent team, we have branches in several countries and their products are of good quality, variety, by the vast number of consumers love.SKP’s success lies in our strive for continual commitment in establishing partnerships with customers and suppliers
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