Slide 3 – What inspired the invention ? Slide 7 – How did the invention change ? Slide 10 – What impacts does the invention have on people ? Slide 15 – Little Glossary
Graffiti is an old art that developed over time. Graffiti is as old as World War II. Where ever the American soldiers went they wrote “Kilroy was here”. This is what they wrote
Another motto was “Bird lives” written by fans of the jazz legend Charlie Parker. content/uploads/2011/01/bird_lives.jpg In the 1960s people started tagging instead of writing random things on walls. wp- content/uploads/2014/10/R isk-Graffiti-Tag-Names.jpg This is the thing they wrote This is a picture of graffiti tagging
One well known graffiti artist who helped bring graffiti into the mainstream in the 1980s was Keith Haring. Haring opened a store called Pop Shop that sold products featuring his graffiti art. Before he opened his store, his graffiti art could only be found on city walls. p-content/uploads/2013/04/Keith- Haring.jpg This is Keith Haring
Personally I do like graffiti but I don’t like when it is on very nice houses and I would like it to develop so it would be in and on places that don’t bother some people. This is street art graffiti
Graffiti has changed people’s thinking and the presentation of graffiti has changed a lot. At first people thought that they could only paint in art galleries, but now they think they can paint on the street and on city walls. n1NJ4gixBSmF4kLwNiFNxTmNYRaOHZe1StVFT_ fU7c Another change was that scientists have made special paint so people could keep doing graffiti art but the paint would not stay on permanently. This is graffiti art
Graffiti has been more in the mainstream than older times since the graffiti artists Banksy and David Choe brought it into the mainstream and I think that now a lot of people like graffiti. content/uploads/2014/01/banksy.jpg LyAibhddtWNN4PUVBSCAbxUdYiujSBAG D9AiKS-VE8pOqJw This is David Choe This is Banksy’s graffiti art
People liked graffiti so much that in the 1970s people started doing a wild style of graffiti. Over all graffiti has changed peoples thinking and has changed quite a bit. mons/7/7a/San_francisco_graffiti01.jpg This is more graffiti
Graffiti has different impact’s on people. Some people believe that graffiti is an art form, while others believe it is a crime. Graffiti_London.jpg This is even more graffiti
David Bermudez coordinator of graffiti once said : “Graffiti could be considered art if it were done on a controlled environment like a canvas, but for the most part I’d say this is vandalism”. content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_ x272.jpg This is David Bermudez
Since some people liked graffiti someone invented the pneumatic tool so they could paint with just air pressure and a bit of paint. tools-250x250.jpg This is a picture of a pneumatic tool
For some reason people like the feeling of drawing on walls and that feeling is probably older than the Pyramids, but nobody really knows the exact beginning of street art graffiti,the style that virtually took over New York city in the 1970s and 1980s.  AAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQSEhUUEhMWFRQ XFBcVGBcYFxUWFRUXFBQYFxQYGBUYHCggGB olHBcVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zOD These are the pyramids
The impact that graffiti has on me is positive and negative. It is positive because I do believe that graffiti is an art and it the impact is negative because I would like it to be on a place where it doesn’t bother some people. SOO4ZoltHg2oQ1ht- lIceP6V7FwFrkVz2tAoJymA- Vi5v2Fc8bWA This is more graffiti
Mainstream – It means that more people know about it and it is more popular. Vandalism – It means destroying peoples property.