Microbiology an introduction
Instructor: Gu Xiangyang, Ji Yanling Office: C5016, Life Sciences Building Office telephone: 84395531 E-mail: yanlingji@njau.edu.cn Lecture Monday, 9:50~12:15 a.m. A602 Lab Form 3rd week C5023, Life Sciences Building
Rational Course Description Text book and References Course Schedule Expectations Evaluation
Rational 1.As a basic biological science research into life processes Microbiology provides some of the most accessible research tools for probing the nature of life sciences. research into life processes
Fruit fly VS. Escherichia coli genetically engineered for special purposes Fruit fly VS. Escherichia coli (果蝇) (大肠杆菌)
2. As an applied biological science Microbiology deal with many important practical problems in medicine, agriculture, and industry. synthesize antibiotics Penicillin(青霉素): the first miracle drug
important in food processes pickles, yogurt, buttermilk, aspartame, cheeses, bread brewing industry
important in life of animals & plants that are important to humans 1619 荷兰 • 郁金香
Course Description
Microorganisms? Viruses 生物 原核生物:细菌、放线菌、蓝细菌等 细胞生物 高等动植物 高等藻类 Bacteria 非细胞生物——病毒(真病毒、亚病毒) 生物 原核生物:细菌、放线菌、蓝细菌等 细胞生物 高等动植物 高等藻类 真核生物 藻类 低等藻类 低等生物 真菌类 原生动物 真核生物原界 (Eucarya) 细胞生物三原界 真细菌原界 (Bacteria) 古生菌原界 (Archaea) Viruses Bacteria Algae Fungi Protozoa
Micro-Biology “Micro” = small “bio” = life “ology” from “logos” = knowledge Hence, “small life knowledge” “knowing about small life” too small to be seen with the unaided eye
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, a large and diverse group of organisms that exist as single cells or cell clusters.
What is microbiology all about? living cells and how they work microorganisms(微生物), an important class of cells capable of free living existence microbial diversity and evolution, different kinds of microbes arise, and why what microbes do, in the world at large, in human society, in our own bodies, in the bodies of animal and plants the central role which microbiology plays as basic biological science, how an understanding of microbiology helps on the understanding of the biology of higher organisms, even including humans
Text book and References 《微生物学教程》,周德庆,高等教育出版社,第二版,2002 “Microbiology: an introduction 7TH”, Gerard J.Tortora, Berdell R. Funke and Christine L. Case, An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2001
1、Books 2、Magazines 3、Online resources (1)“Brock's Biology of Microorganism 9TH”, Michael T. Madigan John M. Martinko Jack Parker,Prentice Hall,1999 (2)“Microbiology”,Lansing M. Prescott, Donald Klein, John Harley McGraw-Hill Higher Education,2000 (3)《微生物学》,沈萍,高等教育出版社,2000 2、Magazines “微生物学报”、“微生物学通报”、“微生物学杂志”、“菌物学报” “病毒学报”、 “植物病理学报”、 “中国生物防治”、 “Science”等 3、Online resources Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 10th. (http://cwx.prenhall.com/brock/) Science, Nature, Cell, Journal of Virology, Journal of Bacteriology
Course Schedule Date Topic Text Mar. 2 Microorganisms and microbiology Topic Text Mar. 2 Microorganisms and microbiology introduction Introduction to microbiology history 9 Discovery of Bacteria 16 Origin of Bacteria Ch. 1 23 Cell Structure/Function Ch. 1 30 Bacterial Morphology and diversity Apr. 6 Fungi Morphology Ch. 6 13 Fungi diversity Virus Morphology Ch. 7 20 Virus diversity Virus within plants
Date Topic Text 27 Microbial Nutrition Ch. 4 Growth and Cultivation May 11 Microbial Growth Control Microbial Metabolism 18 Energy Generating Processes Ch. 2 Energy Production 25 Principles of Microbial Molecular Jun. 1 DNA, RNA and Proteins Ch. 3 Microbial Genetics 8 Recombinant DNA Technology 15 Microbial Ecology Ch. 8 Ecosystem Ch. 11 22 Microbial interaction
Final Exam (to be arranged) Date Topic Text Soil Microbiology Water Microbiology 29 Microbial habitats Nutrient Cycles Ch. 9 Jul. 6 Applied Microbiology Ch. 11 Microbiology in agriculture Microbiology in industry Summary July. Final Exam (to be arranged)
Expectations Learn in class Learn from each other in groups Learn on your own
Evaluation no make up Exams English (Part 1) 25% English (Part 2) 25% Chinese (Part 3) 50% Attendance no make up