Age and Coach Module (Lesson 5 and Lesson 6) Age and coach test Review Chinese IAB (IA +IB)
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Fill in blank 健身房很有意思, ____ 我的健身教练很帅。 (jian shen fang hen you yi si, wo de jian shen jiao lian he shuai) Gym is very interesting and my coach is very handsome. => 而且 ( er qie) moreover, in addition, however Review Q1
Review Q2 Key sentence in text 我想减肥,但是不知道健身房怎么样. (wo xiang jian fei, dan shi bu zhi dao jian shen fang zen me yang) I wants to lose weight, but I don’t know what does Gym look like?
Fill in blank 这是朋友送我的生日礼物 (zhe shi peng you song wo de sheng ri li wu) This is a birthday present from friend’s. Review Q3
Review Q4 Put the given words in the correct order to make a sentence. 他是 / 经理 / 我们 / 公司的 => 他是我们公司的经理。 (ta shi wo men gong si de jing li) He is a manager at our company.
Review Q5 Find the questions to match response. 明天我们去健身房吧。 好的,明天见。 (ming tian wo men qu jian shen fang ba) (hao de, ming tian jian) Let’s go to gym tomorrow. Ok, see you tomorrow. 这是什么?这是朋友送我的生日礼物 。 (zhe shi shen me) (zhe shi peng you song wo de sheng ri li wu) What is this?This is a birthday gift from my friend. 你喜欢什么运动?我喜欢篮球和网球。 (ni xi huan shen me yun dong) (wo xi huan lan qiu he wang qiu) What sport do you like?I like basketball and tennis.
Use 喜欢 and 不喜欢 to apply in the sentence. 我喜欢篮球。( wo xi huan lan qiu) I like basketball. 我不喜欢篮球。 (wo bu xi huan lan qiu) I don’t like basketball. 喜欢 (xi huan – to like) 不喜欢 (bu xi huan – to dislike, don’t like) 网球 wang qiu- tennis 喜欢 xi haun ; 不喜欢 bu xi huan_ Review Q6-7
Fill in blank 健身房很有意思 (jian shen fang hen you yi si) Gym is very interesting. 琳达 17 岁,王明的妹妹 也是 17 岁。 Linda is 17 years old, Wang Ming’s sister is also 17 years old. The age may change in a real quiz. Review Q8
Review Q9 Fill in blank 王 明 喜 欢 。 (wang ming xi huan 和 ( he- and) 我喜欢 篮球 和 网球 (wo xi huan lan qiu he wang qiu) I like basketball and tennis.
Review Q10 Fill in blank. 王明比琳达大一岁。 (wang ming bi lin da da yi sui) Wang Ming is one year old than Linda. 比 to compare each other
Review Q11 Identify the following message true or false according to text. 李美美想减肥。 (li mei mei xiang jian fei) Li Mei Mei wants to lose weight. False
From the text, please identify the following sentence is true or false? 琳达送王明生日礼物。 =>False. According to text. Today is Wang Ming birthday. So, Wang Ming’s friend sent him a birthday present. Review Q12
Review Q13 According to text, please identify true or false in following message. 琳达比王明的妹妹小一岁。 (linda bi wang ming de mei mei xiao yi sui) Linda is one year younger than Wang Ming’s younger sister. => False.