Drugs for respiratory infections Shi-Hong Zhang(张世红), PhD shzhang713@zju.edu.cn
麻疹 疟疾 结核 腹泻 艾滋病 急性呼吸道感染 The main leading infectious causes of death in the world include: acute respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis, malaria, measles(麻疹).
Pathogens of respiratory infections Bacteria: 球菌:肺炎链球菌、化脓性链球菌、葡萄球菌、卡他莫拉菌;杆菌:流血嗜血杆菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、铜绿假单胞菌、结核分枝杆菌、大肠杆菌、变形杆菌、棒状杆菌、梭杆菌等;非典型病原体:军团菌、衣原体、支原体等。院外获得性下呼吸道感染以革兰氏阳性球菌为主(主要为肺炎球菌) ,其次为革兰氏阴性杆菌(最常见的为肺炎克雷伯杆菌) 。院内获得性感染约 60 %为革兰氏阴性杆菌,其中最多的是绿脓杆菌。 Viruses: 鼻病毒、合胞体病毒、流感病毒;副流感病毒、人偏肺病毒;腺病毒;冠状病毒等。 Fungi: 念珠菌、球孢子菌、曲霉菌、副球孢子菌、组织胞浆菌、芽生菌等。
Drugs for respiratory infections Anti-infective agents for the treatment of respiratory infections - Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics, 抗菌药) - Antifungal drugs (抗真菌药) - Antiviral drugs (抗病毒药) 抗菌药:各类。。。。 抗病毒:利巴韦林,干扰素,奥司他韦(达菲). 抗真菌:两性霉素B,酮康唑,氟康唑
Antiviral drugs 金刚烷胺 金刚乙胺 利巴韦林 奥司他韦 扎那米韦 阻断M2蛋白 阻止病毒脱壳 及其RNA的释放 抑制 核苷酸合成 阻断M2蛋白 阻止病毒脱壳 及其RNA的释放 选择性结合NA 抑制病毒 脱颗粒和扩散 血凝素 利巴韦林 神经氨酸酶
Antifungal agents Amphotercin B(两性霉素B) Flucytosine(氟胞嘧啶) Ketoconazole(酮康唑) Fluconazol(氟康唑) Itraconazole (伊曲康唑)
Mechanism of action: Inhibit the synthesis of ergosterol in fungal membrane, cause the leakage of intracellular substances Promotes the penetration of other antifungal agents (两性霉素B) (疏水端) (亲水端)
Action mechanisms of antibiotics 1. Inhibit synthesis of bacterial cell walls 2. Affect permeability of cell membrane and lead to leakage of intracellular compounds 3. Inhibit protein synthesis 4. Affect bacterial nucleic acid metabolism 5. Block essential enzymes of folate metabolism
Action mechanisms of antibiotics 大环内酯类 Action mechanisms of antibiotics
β-Lactam antibiotics & other inhibitors of cell wall synthesis
Vancomycin/Tichoplanin: 万古霉素/替考拉宁 Bacitracin: 杆菌肽 Imipenem/cilastatin:亚胺培南/西司他丁, meropanem:美罗培南 Monobactam:单环beta内酰胺类:aztreonam 氨曲南
Source: Penicillium spp, 青霉菌 amidase b-lactamase b-lactam ring Source: Penicillium spp, 青霉菌 amidase b-lactamase b-lactam ring Source: Cephalosporium spp (now called Acremonium spp.枝顶孢菌)
Sir Alexander Fleming The Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine 1945 Sir Alexander Fleming 青霉素是抗菌素的一种,是从青霉菌培养液中提制的药物,是第一种能够治疗人类疾病的抗生素。青霉素的发现者是英国细菌学家弗莱明。1928年的一天,弗莱明在他的一间简陋的实验室里研究导致人体发热的葡萄球菌。由于盖子没有盖好,他发觉培养细菌用的琼脂上附了一层青霉菌。这是从楼上的一位研究青霉菌的学者的窗口飘落进来的。使弗莱明感到惊讶的是,在青霉菌的近旁,葡萄球菌不见了。这个偶然的发现深深吸引了他,他设法培养这种霉菌进行多次试验,证明青霉素可以在几小时内将葡萄球菌全部杀死。弗莱明据此发明了葡萄球菌的克星—青霉素。 1929年,弗莱明发表了学术论文,报告了他的发现,但当时未引起重视,而且青霉素的提纯问题也还没有解决。 1935年,英国牛津大学生物化学家钱恩和物理学家弗罗里对弗莱明的发现大感兴趣。钱恩负责青霉菌的培养和青霉素的分离、提纯和强化,使其抗菌力提高了几千倍同,弗罗里负责对动物观察试验。至此,青霉素的功效得到了证明。 由于青霉素的发现和大量生产,拯救了千百万肺炎、脑膜炎、脓肿、败血症患者的生命,及时抢救了许多的伤病员。青霉素的出现,当时曾轰动世界。为了表彰这一造福人类的贡献,弗莱明、钱恩、弗罗里于1945年共同获得诺贝尔医学和生理学奖。 第二次世界大战促使青霉素大量生产。1943年,已有足够青霉素治疗伤兵;1950年产量可满足全世界需求。青霉素的发现与研究成功,成为医学史的一项奇迹。 The Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine 1945 Discoverer of Penicillin Co-recipients: Florey and Chain (They made it possible to produce large quantities)
Penicillins Action mechanisms Inhibit the activity of peptidoglycan transpeptidase (PBP) Increase the activity of cell wall autolytic enzyme C-terminal N-terminal glycosyltransfer (GT), and transpeptidation (TP)。 5个氨基酸的多肽+多糖组成肽聚糖(peptidoglycan).
5个氨基酸的多肽(丙氨酸/谷氨酸/赖氨酸/丙氨酸/丙氨酸)+多糖组成肽聚糖(peptidoglycan),N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)。转肽反应使末端一个丙氨酸脱落,经多糖连接与临近肽链形成交联。青霉素可与TP亚区结合,抑制转肽酶活性
Penicillins 1. Natural penicillins: penicillin G (benzylpenicillin), injection 2. Semi-synthetic penicillins - Oral penicillins (acid-resistant) penicillin V (phenoxymethylpenicillin) - Antistaphylococcal penicillins (-lactamase-resistant) methicillin甲氧西林,cloxacillin氯唑西林, dicloxacillin双氯唑西林, nafcillin萘夫西林 - Extended-spectrum penicillins (-lactamase-sensitive) ampicillin氨苄西林, amoxicillin阿莫西林, ineffective on staphylococci - Anti-pseudomonas penicillins carbenicillin羧苄西林,piperacillin哌拉西林, injection - Anti- G- bacilli penicillins mecillinam美西林, temocillin替莫西林 天然、抗绿脓杆菌青霉素类不耐酸,仅能注射给药。其余各类均有口服品种
Penicillins Adverse effects of Penicillins: (1) Hypersensitivity reactions itch, rashes, fever, serum sickness , angioneurotic edema, anaphylactic shock (5-10/100,000). (2) Others phlebitis: i.v. inflammatory reactions at injection site, degeneration of nerve tissue (i.m.) central nervous system excitability (seizures). (3) Herxheimer reaction: cause by destroyed pathogens like spirochetes.
Penicillins Prevention and treatment of hypersensitivity reactions of penicillin G: (1) A detailed clinical history (2) Skin test (3) First aid treatment of allergic shock epinephrine and/or dopamine glucocorticoids (dexamethasone) anti-histamines (promethazine)
Cephalosporins 第一代头孢菌素对葡萄球菌产生的酶比较稳定,但对G-菌产生的酶不稳定
Cephalosporins 吡 β-lactamase
Small summary First Second Third Gram-positive Gram-negative Good Small summary First Second Third Gram-positive Gram-negative Good Pseudomonas - + Anearobes Beta-lactamase sensitive No Kidney toxicity Almost no Well penetration Yes Good yes yes no
Macrolides (大环内酯类) First generation: - Erythromycin(红霉素) - Medecamycin(麦迪霉素) - Spiramycin(螺旋霉素) Second generation: - Clarithromycin(克拉霉素) - Azithromycin(阿奇霉素) - Acetylmedecamycin(乙酰麦迪霉素) Third generation: - Telithromycin(替利霉素)
General properties of macrolides 1. Antimicrobial spectrum: G+ organisms: - cocci: streptococcus pyogenesand pneumoniae (化脓性和肺炎链球菌) - bacilli: Diphtheria白喉, Pertussis百日咳 Atypical pathogens: - mycoplasma pneumoniae (肺炎支原体) - legionella pneumophila (军团菌).
General properties of Macrolides 2. Mechanism of action: Inhibit the formation of functional 70S ribosome Prevent the transfer of peptidyl-tRNA Destroy ribosome and cause dissociation of peptidyl-tRNA from the ribosome
General properties of macrolides 3. Clinical Uses: (1) Streptococcus (链球菌) infections (2) Legionnaire’s disease (军团菌病) (3) Mycoplasma (支原体) infections (4) Chlamydia (衣原体) infections (5) Diphtheria (白喉)/Pertussis (百日咳)
General properties of macrolides 4. Adverse effects: (1) GI effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, etc. (2) Liver toxicity: Cholestatic hepatitis (胆汁淤积性肝炎). (3) Auditory impairment. (4) Allergic reaction (5) Cardiac arrhythmias
Lincomycin & Clindamycin 林可霉素和克林霉素 Resemble erythromycin in antibacterial, spectrum, activity, mechanism and resistance. Clinical Uses: aerobic G+ cocci infection severe anaerobic infection combination with pyrimethamine (乙氨嘧啶) for AIDS-related toxoplasmosis (弓形体病) & pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (卡氏肺囊虫肺炎). 对引起吸入性肺炎、肺脓肿、阻塞性肺炎的厌氧菌有强大杀灭作用
Vancomycins - Vancomycin 万古霉素 - Norvancomycin 去甲万古霉素 - Teicoplanin 替考拉宁 Antibacterial activity (Narrow spectrum) bactericidal for G+ bacteria (especially G+ ococci, including MRSA & MRSE耐甲氧西林表皮葡萄球菌) Intravenous administration, widely distributed in the body, including CSF when the meninges is inflamed
Aminoglycosides 氨基糖苷类抗生素
Aminoglycosides Natural Synthesized Streptomycin链霉素 Gentamicin庆大霉素 Micronomicin小诺米星 Sisomicin西索米星 Astromicin阿司米星 Neomycin新霉素 Kanamycin卡那霉素 Tobramycin妥布霉素 Amikacin阿米卡星,丁胺卡那霉素 Netilmicin奈替米星 B kanamycin卡那霉素B Arbekacin阿贝卡星 Dibekacin地贝卡星 Etilmicin依替米星 Isepamicin异帕米星 第三代氨基糖苷类阿米卡星和奈替米星对耐头孢菌素和甲氧西林的菌株也有效
Aminoglycosides 1. Antimicrobial activity: i) Rapid-acting bactericidal to resting bacteria ii) Broad-spectrum: G- bacilli, G+ organisms (including MRSA - netilmicin) , TB , ineffective for anaerobic strains. iii) More active in alkaline environment iv) Unabsorbable in GI tract v) Concentration-dependent activity and duration of post antibiotic effect (PAE) vi) First exposure effect (FEE) 仍是抗G-杆菌:铜绿假单胞菌,大肠埃希菌,变形杆菌,肠杆菌,志贺菌,枸橼酸菌的重要药物,尤其是抗耐头孢菌素和甲氧西林菌株、结核的用途。
Aminoglycosides 2. Mechanism of action Inhibit the whole process of protein synthesis i) Interfere with the initiation complex of peptide formation (30S or 70S). ii) Induce misreading of mRNA, which causes the incorporation of incorrect amino acid into peptide, resulting nonfunctional or toxic protein. iii) Inhibit the release of peptide chain from ribosome Iv) Disrupt the normal cycle of ribosome, make the ribosome exhausted.
Aminoglycosides 3. Clinical Uses: mostly used against infection induced by aerobic G- bacteria (bacilli, enteric) . in severe infection, such as sepsis (败血症), pneumonia and meningitis, almost always used in combination with b-lactam antibiotics and fluoroquinolones. TB (streptomycin and kanamycin) and atypical mycobacteria (Amikacin)
Aminoglycosides 4. Adverse reactions i) Ototoxicity (耳毒性) Caused by progressive destruction of vestibular and cochlear sensory cells (irreversible!!). Cochlear toxicity: tinnitus (耳鸣) and high frequency hearing loss Kanamycin>Amikacin>Sisomicin>Gentamicin>Tobramycin Vestibular toxicity: vertigo, ataxia and loss of balance Kanamycin>Streptomycin>Sisomicin>Gentamicin>Tobramycin
Aminoglycosides 4. Adverse reactions ii) Nephrotoxicity consists of damage to the kidney tubules but reversible Neomycin> Amikacin >Kanamycin>Gentamicin>Streptomycin or Tobramycin> iii) Neuromuscular blockade (paralysis) iv) Allergic reaction: skin rashes, fever, eosinophiliay, anaphylactic shock, etc.
Synthetic antimicrobial agents Quinolones 喹诺酮类 Sulfonamides 磺胺类 Other synthetic antimicrobials Trimethoprim (甲氧苄啶), Nitrofurans (硝基呋喃)
Classification Quinolones Quinolones (1st generation): Highly protein bound Mostly used in urinary tract infections Fluoroquinolones (2nd, 3rd and 4th generation) Modified 1st generation quinolones Not highly protein bound Wide distribution to urine and other tissues; limited CSF penetration. Spectrum extended to Gram+, some atypical, and broad anaerobic coverage Quinolones highly protein bound so best activity is in protein-free compartment (i.e. urinary tract); fluoro group attached to central ring
Generation Drug Names Spectrum 1st nalidixic acid 萘啶酸pipemidic acid吡哌酸 cinoxacin西诺沙星 Gram- but not Pseudomonas species 2nd norfloxacin诺氟沙星ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星ofloxacin 氧氟沙星*lomefloxacin洛美沙星 Gram- (including Pseudomonas species), some Gram+ (S. aureus) and some atypicals 3rd levofloxacin 左氧氟沙星 balofloxacin巴罗沙星 pazufloxacin帕珠沙星 tosufloxacin妥舒沙星 Same as 2nd generation with extended Gram+ and atypical coverage 4th besifloxacin贝西沙星 garenoxacin格林沙星 sitafloxacin西他沙星 *moxifloxacin莫西沙星 gemifloxacin吉米沙星 prulifloxacin普卢利沙星 Same as 3rd generation with broad anaerobic coverage http://jac.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/46/suppl_3/17
Classification Quinolones Withdrawn from the market: fleroxacin 氟罗沙星 temafloxacin替马沙星 trovafloxacin曲伐沙星 grepafloxacin格帕沙星 enoxacin 依诺沙星 sparfloxacin 司帕沙星 gatifloxacin加替沙星
Fluoroquinolones 1. Antimicrobial activity & spectrum: bactericidal and have significant PAE. show both time-dependent and a combination of time- and concentration- dependent killing (3) against aerobic G- bacteria, pseudomonas, aerobic G+ bacteria, chlamydia (衣原体), legionella pneumophila (军团菌), anaerobic bacteria, mycobacteria (分支杆菌), multiple-resistance strains.
Fluoroquinolones 2. Mechanism of action DNA gyrase (G-) Topoisomerase IV (G+) DNA gyrase (G-) 拓扑异构酶包括I、II、III、IV四种,其中II又称DNA 回旋酶。在G+菌中主要为IV,阴性菌中主要为II
Fluoroquinolones 3. Adverse reactions Gastrointestinal effects: nausea, vomiting CNS side effects: headache, dizziness, confusion, insomnia, delerium, hallucinations, seizure (rare). Cardiovascular: torsades de pointes (rare) Allergic reaction, phototoxicity (光毒性) Hepatotoxicity(肝毒性) Nephrotoxicity (肾毒性) Joint/cartilage toxicity, Tendinopathy(肌腱病) Achilles tendon rupture (跟腱断裂) Neurologic: polyneuropathy (rare) **Limited FDA approval for children (under 18)
Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Spectrum: Gram- aerobic rods, and Legionella pneumophila, and other atypicals. Poor activity against Strep. pneumonia. Indications: -- Respiratory infections -- Intra-abdominal infections -- Uncomplicated/complicated UTIs -- Anthrax (炭疽) exposure and prophylaxis Unique Qualities: -- Increased effects of warfarin Not inclusive list of indications; patients at risk for tendon effects (>60 yo, renal failure, dialysis, concomitant corticosteroid therapy, dyslipidemia); weakest quinolone against MRSA
Levofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Spectrum: Gram+ (excluding MRSA) , Gram- and Legionella pneumophila, atypical resp. pathogens, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, anaerobes Indications: -- Chronic bronchitis and community-acquired pneumonia -- Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) -- Intra-abdominal infections
Moxifloxacin Fluoroquinolones Spectrum: Gram+ (excluding MRSA) & atypicals (L. pneumophila, C pneumonia & M. pneumonia), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, gram-negative anaerobes, Gram- aerobes Indications: Chronic bronchitis, community-acquired pneumonia Bacterial conjunctivitis (细菌性结膜炎) Sinusitis L. Pneumophila 嗜肺军团菌,M pneumonia 支原体肺炎,C pneumonia 衣原体肺炎
Sulfonamides Gerhard Domagk Nobel Laureate 1939
2,4-Diaminoazobenzen-4’-sulfonamide Sulfonamides 2,4-Diaminoazobenzen-4’-sulfonamide Prontosil 4 - 氨磺酰 – 2,4 – 二胺偶氮苯 对氨基苯甲酸
Pteridine(蝶啶)+PABA (对氨基苯甲酸) Mechanism of action Pteridine(蝶啶)+PABA (对氨基苯甲酸) Dihydropteroate Synthase 二氢蝶酸合成酶 Blocked by sulfonamides Dihydropteroic acid(二氢蝶酸) glutamate Dihydrofolic acid(二氢叶酸) NADPH+H+ Dihydrofolate Reductase 二氢叶酸还原酶 Blocked by trimethoprim NADP+ Tetrahydrofolic acid(四氢叶酸)
Sulfonamides 1. Antimicrobial activity: A wide antimicrobial spectrum: effective against G- and G+ bacteria, nocardia, chlamydia, pneumocystis carinii; ineffective to Rickettsia. Only bacteriostatic effect.
Sulfonamides Adverse reactions Hypersensitivity reaction Urinary tract disturbances: Sulfonamide crystalluria (磺胺结晶尿) Hematopoietic system (造血系统)disturbances Kernicterus (核黄疸,胆红素脑病) Hepatitis (肝炎) GI effects Kernicterus: occurs in newborns where sulfonamides displace bilirubin from its binding site on serum albumin, and the excess bilirubin penetrates into the CNS to cause brain damage.
Combination agents: Co-trimoxazole 1) Features Trimethoprim in combination with Sulfamethoxazole (1:5,eg,160mg:800mg for p.o.) exerts a synergistic effects (bactericidal effect). Sequential blocking of essential enzymes of folate metabolism. The ADME of the two agents is similar.
Combination agents: Co-trimoxazole 2) Clinical Uses Chronic and recurrent infections in the urinary tract Bacterial respiratory infections GI infections (e.g. induced by Salmonella, cholera and traveler diarrhea) pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
Combination agents: Co-trimoxazole 3) Adverse reactions Trimethoprim(TMP): megaloblastic anemia, due to the lack of folic acid Sulfamethoxazole (SMZ ) induced adverse reactions Drug interactions: warfarin, phenytoin, etc.
Antituberculous drugs First line agents: Isoniazid (INH异烟肼), rifampicin (RIF 利福平), pyrazinamide (PZA 吡嗪酰胺) , ethambutol (EMB 乙胺丁醇) and streptomycin (SM 链霉素). Second line agents: Fluoroquinolones: Ofloxacin (OFX氧氟沙星), levofloxacin (LEV左氧氟沙 星), moxifloxacin (MOX莫西沙星) and ciprofloxacin (CIP环丙沙星). Injectable antituberculosis drugs: Kanamycin (KAN卡那霉素), amikacin (AMK阿米卡星) and capreomycin (CAP卷曲霉素). Less-effective second-line antituberculosis drugs: P-aminosalicylic acid (PAS对氨基水杨酸), Ethionamide (ETH乙硫异烟胺), Cycloserine (CS环丝 氨酸). 结核的治疗原则是早期用药、联合用药、适量、坚持全程规律用药。常用方案为:短期强化(一线药物联合强化治疗6个月异烟肼+利福平+吡嗪酰胺两个,继以异烟肼+利福平四个月,异烟肼耐药的可加用链霉素和乙胺丁醇。对体质差的可用12月一疗程,后半年用一个药物巩固疗效。对多药耐药的,可延长至两年。