Gymnastics Types of Gymnastics Events of Gymnastics Terms of Gymnastics Practice
Track and FieldGymnastics
Two Types of Gymnastics Artistic gymnastics performed on apparatus Rhythmic gymnastics performed with apparatus
Events of Gymnastics Men’s events of gymnastics Women’s events of gymnastics
floor exercise vault still rings
parallel bars horizontal bar pommel horse
uneven bars balance beam floor exercise pommel horse
ball gym ribbon gymrope gym hoop gym
flip-flop giant kip pike position planche press handstand 后手翻 大回环 屈伸上 屈体 水平支撑 慢起手倒立
tsukahara undergrip salto twist thigh circle pirouette 原跳 反握 空翻 转体 挂腿大回环 单脚旋转
Exercise 1. How many events are perfromer in women’s gymnastics competition at the Olympic? 2. What is the major difference between artictic and rhythmic gymnastics? 3. What are the requirements for women’s floor exercise performance?