1200s-1400s Spain
By 1100s, some started questioning the church Heresy: religious ideas that oppose accepted church teachings (Heretics) In the early 1200s, Pope Innocent III began a crusade against a group of heretics in southern France “Kill them all. God will know his own,” (allegedly said papal representative when asked how the Crusaders should distinguish the heretics from true Christians)
By the late 1400s, only Granada was controlled by Muslims. It was conquered by Christians in 1492, under the rule of Ferdinand & Isabella.
Ferdinand & Isabella, monarchs of Spain, not only supported the Reconquista, but they were also devout Catholics who wanted all of Spain to be Catholic. During their reign the Spanish Inquisition tried and tortured thousands of suspected “heretics”. The monarchs also expelled Jews in 1492, the same year their armies conquered the last of the Muslims at Granada. Ten years after, Muslims had to convert or leave, and most left for North Africa. Result All of Spain became Christian
An organization of priests that looked for and punished anyone in Spain suspected of secretly practicing a non-Christian religion Created by Ferdinand & Isabella Targeted Muslims & Jews ~2,000 people killed Went on through the early 1800s
European Jews (along with heretics & Muslims) were also targeted Some were expelled (ex. England 1290, France 1306 & 1394) Believed to be responsible for death of Jesus Blamed for Black Death