Science and Business Cooperation Initiatives Laurynas Ladieta lawyer Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology Kaunas
Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) is the main governmental institution, responsible for implementation of innovation policy in Lithuania. It is a national innovation funding agency. MITA was established in 2010 with the aim: -to foster business and science cooperation; -to create a favorable environment for innovation in Lithuania. The founders of MITA: MITA – INNOVATION FUNDING AGENCY
MITA: KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Coordination of national R&D programmes: High Technology Development Programme, Industrial Biotechnology Development Programme for Lithuania. Coordination of international R&D and innovation programmes: FP7 EUREKA EUROSTARS CIP (Eco-innovation) HORIZON 2020 Coordination of national initiatives to foster the implementation of innovation: Innovation vouchers, Support for industrial property rights registration, Clusterization.
CONSULTATIONS Organization of “One-to-one meeting”, “Hands-on support” - covering all stages of the project cycle, especially project writing phase. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION Dissemination of information (website, newsletter, leaflets, brochures, media), Providing official statistics about Lithuanian participation in research and innovation programs. PARTNERS SEARCH Assistance in finding partners for research and innovation projects. REGISTRATION OF EXPERTS International experts are invited to perform the expertise of Lithuanian projects in different technology sectors. MITA: SERVICES FOR CLIENTS FINANCIAL SUPPORT Funding and co-funding of national and international projects; Reimbursement of travel costs for international brokerage events.
Innovation Vouchers – R&D services from research institutions Innovation Vouchers - “quick money” Innovation voucher is a small credit (5800 Euro) that entitles SME’s to buy R&D expertise or knowledge from research and educational institutions. Aims of this implement: - to promote innovations in SMEs. - to courage co-operation between business and research institutions. The appeal of the innovation vouchers scheme is related to its simplicity and low administrative burden both for beneficiaries and administrators. MITA is the main administrative institution of this scheme.
NATIONAL INITIATIVES – Innovation Vouchers
COMMERCIALIZATION OF R&D RESULTS A new initiative launched in 2012 under High technology development programme in The main goal of this initiative was to encourage scientists, researchers and students to establish start-up’s or spin-off’s companies in Lithuania and foster to create innovative products, technologies or services competitive on the market. Main conditions: -The applicants to get funding should establish enterprise. -Founders of enterprise can be: scientist, student, researcher (group of them) together with university or scientist, student, researcher (group of them) without university. -Maximum amount of public funding for one project – Euro. -Project duration – 1 year from spin off establishment. -Maximum intensity of sponsorship – 80 % of spin off’s expences and 100 % of universty’s expences.
CREATED PRODUCTS Projects are carried in high-tech areas: information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, mechatronics and lasers technology. Interactive learning tools for speech therapy Biopolyol made from vegetable oils Unstable rowing simulator Multi-function gold nano particles Video Door Phone with Mobile Access
CREATED PRODUCTS Intelligent computer interface for the persons who have high level disabilities by employing their voluntary controlled eye motions Laser damage testing solutions Advanced site search and navigation solution for e-commerce stores Mobile Apps that strengthens kid's abilities Ecofriendly solution for wheelchair
NATIONAL INITIATIVES - Clusterization Clusterization MITA is taking an active role in clusterization process. Acting as a facilitator whitch represents the state’s interests. The main task: -to identify new potential clusters, -to coordinate clasters activities, -to assist young clusters, -to present their products and services internationally.
CLUSTERIZATION: PROJECT "Fostering Internationalization of Partnership Between Business and Science"
PROJECT "Technology and Science for Innovative Enterprises"
PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Protection of Industrial Property Rights A strong industrial property rights system is a driving force for innovation, stimulating R&D investment and facilitating the transfer of knowledge from the laboratory to the marketplace. MITA is responsible for the administration of tool which provides national financial support for the protection of industrial property rights. Target Groups: -Lithuanian companies; -Lithuanian research organizations. Rate of support: 95 % of expences are reimbursed (registration fees and payment for patent attorney) Maximum amount of public funding for one project – Lt ( euro).
PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Support is oriented to: 1)the acquirement of: -a European patent; -a patent issued under the Patent Cooperation Treaty; 2) the registration of: -a Community design; -a design registered under the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement. 3 ways of support: 1. prepayment 2. payment on accounts 3. reimbursement 3 ways of support: 1. prepayment 2. payment on accounts 3. reimbursement
INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS Idea for fishermen
INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS Eco friendly bottle
INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS Linear tetrachromatic lamps
PROJECT „TECHNOSTART“ Project coordinator Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology Partners of project: Nordtown Science and Technology Park (Vilnius) Kaunas Technology university Science Park (Kaunas) Klaipėda Science and Technology park (Klaipėda)
PROJECT „TECHNOSTART“ INDICATORS Project indicators: 100 ideas taken for commercialization from any natural person; Established 45 enterprises; Experts consultations for 45 enterprises; At least 10 of the start-ups attract private investment of 50 % of Agency‘s funding.
PROJECT „TECHNOSTART“ – PROCESSES Search of ideas, expert selection (MITA) 45 new start ups Science and technology parks Accelerator 100 ideas Investments by venture capitalists Turnover generated by start up Evaluation of ideas Strategical services Start up incubation Stating tasks for Science and technology parks Objective services MITA risk committee
PROJECT “INNOVATIVE BUSINESS PROMOTION “ – GOAL AND TASKS Goal of the project – increase the share of high value-added businesses by promoting foundation and development of technology-based enterprises Tasks of the project – create opportunities for students, doctoral candidates and young researchers to generate and cristalize business ideas, to find high value-added enterprises and with the help of mentors to create prototypes of products. Supported by: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund
E-SCIENCE GATEWAY – a Science to Business Platform Main access point to Lithuanian R&D infrastructure, services and competences Universities and research institutes promoting their facilities and know- how All available Lithuanian R&D services provided by research infrastructures in one place.
E-SCIENCE GATEWAY – a Science to Business Platform Business may look for and order particular R&D services Business may look for opportunities and announce their needs to R&D
11 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARKS Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park Kaunas High-Tech and Information Technology Park Northtown Technology Park Visoriai Information Technology Park KTU Regional Science Park Science and Technology Park TECHNOPOLIS Klaipėda Science and Technology Park Panevėžys Science and Technology Park Liepiškes Technology Park Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics Agriculture Science and Technology Park
FIVE VALLEYS specialize in different scientific research fields Santara Valley (Vilnius): IT Open Access Centre Centre for Life Sciences Centre of Innovative Medicine Nature Research Centre Saulėtekis Valley (Vilnius): Civil Engineering Centre Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences Laser Research Centre “Naglis” Santaka Valley (Kaunas): National Open-access Centre of R&D Centre for the Latest Pharmaceutical and Health Technologies National Open-access Centre of Future Energy Nemunas Valley (Kaunas): Centre of Agriculture and Forest Sciences Communication and Technology Transfer Centre Technology Transfer and Business Incubator Maritime Valley (Klaipėda): National Centre of Marine Sciences and Technologies
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