Canadian Women Participated in scrap metal drives Bought “War Bonds” Planted “War Gardens”
Canadian Women Women knitted; socks scarves and mitts Set up refugee centres and provided people with clothing Joined war relief clubs, packaging “ditty bags” Donated blood to blood clinics Women donating blood “Ditty Bag”
Weapons and Munitions The federal government created the department of Munitions and Supply Canada supplied their allies and provided the military with the following; o 800,000 Military Vehicles o 50,000 Tanks o 40,000 Naval, Field and Antiaircraft Guns o 1,700,000 Small Arms Minister of Munitions and Supply Clarence Decatur Howe
Weapons and Munitions One million women worked within the war effort industry during World War 2, making weapons and munitions such as shells and bullets Women developed welding and riveting skills at the factories While working in factories, some women faced gender discrimination RIVET : PERMANENT MECHANICAL FASTENER
Canadian Children Children joined; community clubs, service organizations and recreational clubs o Boy Scouts o Girl Guides Raised money for the Canadian Patriotic Fund Sew and knit clothing for care packages or Make bandages for injured troops
Education System Schools and universities supported and contributed to the second world war by; Promoting War Savings Stamps Collecting milkweed pods Making cadet training a compulsory for all male students = Milkweed pods Milkweed floss
Work Cited Bibliography 1941 Women Take Over Factory Work during World War II. (n.d.). Retrieved from Canada Remembers Women on The Home Front. (2015, April 17). Retrieved from Education during the Second World War. (2014). Retrieved from Fighting from the Home Front. (2001). Retrieved from Historica Canada. (2014). Retrieved from Life on the Homefront. (2014, March). Retrieved from The Children’s War. (n.d.). Retrieved from The Home Front - Second World War. (2015, April 17). Retrieved from Women and the War. (2008). Retrieved from the-war.htm