All Bus Riders will get dropped off at the main front entrance. Bus Riders will meet in the cafeteria after school and board their bus when it arrives. All Car Riders will get dropped off at the back of the building off of Liberty Street. At 2:55 – car riders will be dismissed and families should pick them up at the main front entrance. At 3:05 – remaining car riders will be moved to the back of the building where all other car riders will be picked up. If a 5 th grade student is waiting for an older sibling, they can wait near the back of the building and all students should be picked up in the small circle drive off Liberty Street. All Students that Walk will enter and exit through the NW Door and exit into the teachers parking lot.
Use the Blue Route from 2:55-3:05 After 3:05 use the Red Route
Academic Support Academic Enrichment After School Computer Time Activities and Clubs Panther Pride Club Project Unify Panther Pals (Peer Partners) Girls on the Run Let Me Run Field Trips / Events Water Festival Cahokia Mounds In-Town Walking Field Trips Partner with West Elementary School
Check Skyward Grades on a regular basis to view grades, assignments, and attendance. Have your student attend After School Enrichment 3:05-3:45 on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday Utilize After School Computer Time 3:05-5:30 on Monday – Thursday Communicate with the teachers via phone ( ) or
Regular attendance and punctuality are key elements for academic success. You must call in the morning if your child is sick (Just like you currently do) After 10 absences – all absences are considered unexcused unless we receive a doctors excuse. Regular attendance and punctuality are key elements for academic success.
All 6 th and 7 th grade students will take a S.T.E.M. class every day for 50 minutes.
Breakfast: $1.00 Lunch: $2.50 Eligible students may qualify for meals at a free or reduced cost. Students will use their Personal PIN. The number is the same number they have used for the past 2 years. Menus are available on our website
All students who have paid the technology fee will receive a Lenovo Laptop and a Brenthaven Backpack. We plan to deploy on the second or third day of school. All students will have to go through a training and sign a Responsible Use Policy. All families will have to go through training. Students will receive continued training throughout their time at Illini. Check out our district website at for more
Meet the Teacher / Supply Night: TBD – We will send out more information Check out our school website for updates:
WE WILL NOT bully others. WE WILL help students who are bullied. WE WILL make it a point to include other students who are left out. When we know somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home. Bully Box – Students are expected to report any and all incidents of bullying whether they are the victim or a bystander.
Please visit our website at Under the Parents tab there is a link to our handbook. Please read through it with your child. Remember our door is always open.