Promoting The “Model Strategies On Violence Against Children” in Thailand.


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting The “Model Strategies On Violence Against Children” in Thailand

Purpose of the presentation Sharing the experience of Thailand in using the “Model Strategies” as concrete guidelines to identify gaps in the justice system’s capacity to protect children from violence as well as to plan for reforms in the field of justice for children Structure of the presentation 1.Our involvement in the development of the “Model Strategies” 2.Our operational and substantive approach in promoting the Model Strategies 3.Priorities for action we have identified so far 4.Why it is important to continue promoting the “Model Strategies” in Asia and the Pacific?

Thailand’s contribution to the development of the “Model Strategies on VAC” February 2014 Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting in Bangkok Experts from every region of the world, UN entities and NGOs developed the “Model Strategies” Hosted by the Government of Thailand, organized by TIJ and chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakittiyabha Mahidol May 2014 UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna Thailand and Austria presented the resolution containing the “Model Strategies” and led the negotiations with full involvement of UNODC The resolution was adopted with 44 co-sponsoring Member States Nov-Dec 2014 Panel Discussion and adoption by the UN General Assembly, New York High-level panel discussion on the “Model Strategies” at the margins of UNGA, organized by Thailand, Austria and UN entities to gather political support A major achievement: The “Model Strategies” unanimously adopted by 193 UN Member States

Thailand’s approach to the promotion of the “Model Strategies”: Building networks and capacity to end violence against children in Thailand and beyond Development of a strategy to promote the implementation of the “Model Strategies” The adoption of the “Model Strategies” by the GA must represent the point of departure of a process of change which requires a sound and cooperative strategy for reform and capacity building.

Core partnerships in promoting the MSPM TIJ Thai OAG UNODC UNICEF Developing ASEAN/SEAP cooperation Regional Training Workshop on VAC – 16 AP countries (Nov 2014) APCJJ 2 nd Meeting (May 2015) Bringing together all relevant national stakeholders to establish a cooperation mechanism Thailand Interagency Meeting to discuss a plan to end VAC: TIJ, OAG, RTPolice, MoJ, MSDHS, Judiciary, UNODC, UNICEF (March 2015) Operational approach: building networks Draws on Model Strategy n.7 Thailand-Lao PDR bilateral cooperation Joint training for prosecutors on preventing and responding to VAC

Offering training opportunities OAG’s national seminars on VAC for prosecutors Regional Training Workshop on VAC Training event during APCJJ 2 nd meeting To be continued… Developing technical assistance tools UNODC’s “Introduction Booklet” and “Checklist” on the Model Strategies, developed with TIJ Promoting self- assessment and gap analysis to identify priorities for action and inform policy making Thailand Interagency Meeting to discuss a plan to end VAC (March 2015) Substantive approach: building capacity Is grounded on Model Strategy n.10

Initiatives and events l Regional Training Workshop on Responding to Violence against Children in contact with the Justice System. Bangkok. 0 High level Panel Discussion on Violence against Children in Contact with the Justice System. UN General Assembly. h Awareness raising campaign on Violence against Children and OAG training seminars for prosecutors in 105 provincial offices throughout Thailand Technical assistance tools: “Introduction Booklet” and “Checklist” on the Model Strategies. UNODC with TIJ. i Thailand-LAO PDR bilateral cooperation to promote joint training on violence against children for prosecutors. k Thailand Interagency Meeting to develop a plan to end violence against children in the juvenile justice system. Bangkok. h UN Crime Congress: High level Panel Discussion on Violence against Children in Contact with the Justice System. Dissemination of tools (USB) and Pocket Guide. 2 nd Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Council on Juvenile Justice. Phuket.

Regional Training Workshop on Responding to Violence against Children in contact with the Justice System. Bangkok. UNODC, UNICEF, TIJ. High level Panel Discussion on Violence against Children in Contact with the Justice System. UN General Assembly, NY. Thailand, Austria, UNODC, UNICEF, SRSG on VAC, OHCHR. Launch of an awareness raising campaign on Violence against Children and training seminars for prosecutors in 105 provincial offices throughout Thailand. Translation of the “Model Strategies” into Thai. Office of the Attorney General. Technical assistance tools: “Introduction Booklet” and “Checklist” on the Model Strategies. Developed by UNODC in partnership with TIJ. Launch of Thailand-LAO PDR bilateral cooperation to promote joint trainings on violence against children for prosecutors. Office of the Attorney General. Thailand Interagency Meeting to develop a plan to end violence against children in the juvenile justice system. Bangkok. TIJ, OAG, UNODC, UNICEF, MoJ. UN Crime Congress: High level Panel Discussion on Violence against Children in Contact with the Justice System. Dissemination of tools (USB) and Pocket Guide. Thailand, Austria, UNODC, UNICEF, SRSG on VAC, OHCHR. 2 nd Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Council on Juvenile Justice. Phuket. IJJO, Thai MoJ, UNODC, UNICEF, TIJ. Initiatives and events: a timeline November 2014 January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015

Key priorities for action in implementing the Model Strategies Legislative reform: the minimum age of criminal responsibility Raising the MACR implies legislative reform coupled with institutional capacity building. MACR in the Model Strategies: at least 12 years old.

Key priorities for action in implementing the Model Strategies Increased interagency cooperation with a view to reduce the number of children deprived of their liberty the use of diversion, restorative justice and early release of children in conflict with the law is strictly linked to the existence of mutual trust and coordinated action between the justice system and the social services/child protection sector Development of specialized capacity among criminal justice professionals In particular on how to adopt a child-sensitive approach to arrest, interrogation and judicial proceedings + the use of child-friendly interview rooms and Court environments Improved complaint mechanisms for victims of violence Complaint mechanisms exist, but all too often: they are not well advertised they are not considered reliable by the victims the follow up process to the cases reported is unclear Improved data collection, monitoring and evaluation Including the development of indicators for measurement and evaluation to inform policy making

To make the world a safer place for children by offering them the protection to which they are entitled by international law The 25 th anniversary of the adoption of the CRC is a major occasion to reaffirm our commitment to the implementation of Article 19 on the principle that all children have the right to be protected from violence, abuse and exploitation. The Model Strategies offers us concrete guidelines to translate article 19 of the CRC into reality. To mainstream a right-based approach to the ASEAN regional integration The Model Strategies reflect the principles set forth in the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, in particular articles 4, and 30(3). Promoting human rights as a driver for regional integration. To foster sustainable development The rule of law and sustainable development are strongly interrelated and mutually reinforcing. candidate goal 16 of the post 2015 UN development agenda and the Doha Declaration. recognizes that eliminating violence against children and developing justice policies focused on the best interest of the child form an important basis for strengthening the rule of law. Why is it important to continue this capacity building process towards the implementation of the “Model Strategies on VAC”? 2015 is a key year to take action:

The Pocket Guide on the Model Strategies published by TIJ is designed: to help you familiarizing with the Model Strategies to be consulted for concise reference in your daily practice Available in English and in Thai.

Thank you!