Reyhan Rzayeva Burcu Bingölbali Neslihan Yılmaz Rustam Gulaliev İbraim Fayikov
Postmodernizm The term ’’postmodern’’ was first used around the 1870s by John Watkins Chapman. There is no borders in postmodernism. Philosophy, culture, literature, art, architecture and other concepts mixed with each other in postmodernism.
What is Postmodern Marketing ? Postmodern marketing, proposing mediocrity rather than excellence, no common language, overlooking pleasant to use everything and each created their own language, a reality for consumption in modern marketing "or so or so" instead of "and so and so", entertaining by the unprincipled on principle, defending cheerful and ironically is reflected in the postmodern marketing.
Marketing Evalution 1900s to "Product-oriented" Marketing 1950s to "Sales-oriented" Marketing 1970s to today - "Market-oriented", "Consumer- oriented" Marketing
Features and Examples of Postmodern Marketing Fragmentation De-differentiation Hyper-reality Playfulness Rootlessness Nostalgia
De-differentiation Kipa restaurants in Kipa shopping center
Postmodernizm is a reaction to modernizm. To understand postmodernizm from a historical point of view we need first to know about modernism So…
Modernizm is a philosophical movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arise from wide-scale and far-reaching transformation in western society in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries.
Architecture in Modernizm The simplification of form
Art in Modernizm Experimenting with representation of people
Architecture in Postmodernizm Playing with the idea of conversation of buildings- making us think about how it is constructed
Art… Post-modernism is to combine the new and the old. this is by combining Van Gogh's painting (the old) with the airbrushed image of the girl (the new).
ModernizmPost-modernizm Order/ control (centralized control )Disorder/chaos (subverted order ) Certainty/DeterminacyAmbiguty/indeterminancy Fordism/ factory (Mass culture, mass consumption, mass marketing.) postfordism office (Demassified culture; niche products and marketing, smaller group identities) content /depth(Knowledge mastery, attempts to embrace a totality. The encyclopedia.) style /surface (Navigation, information management, just-in-time knowledge. The Web.) Progress/tomorrowStatus/today Homogeneity/ consensusHeterogeneous/ plurality (social and cultural pluralism, disunity, unclear bases for social/national/ethnic unity.)
ModernizmPost-modernizm Hierarchy/adulthood(Faith in, and myths of, social and cultural unity, hierarchies of social-class and ethnic/national values, seemingly clear bases for unity.) Equality / youth Existence / realityPerformance /imitation Deliberate/outer-directedPlayful /self-centered Contemplation / metaphysicsParticipation/parody Congruity /designIncongruity / chance The book as sufficient bearer of the word; the library as system for printed knowledge. hypermedia as transcendence of physical limits of print media; the Web or Net as information system Sense of unified, centered self; "individualism," unified identity. Sense of fragmentation and decentered self; multiple, conflicting identities.
Postmodern Theory A Broad and Ambiguous View of Reality Postmodern theory is a broad and somewhat ambiguous belief system tied to the philosophical and cultural reaction to the convictions of Modernism.
Postmodern Theory Postmodern theory sees reality as what individuals or social groups make it to be. Postmodern theory across ten major categories: Theology; Philosophy; Ethics; Science; Psychology; Sociology; Law; Politics; Economics; History.
Customer Relations in Postmodern Marketing The consumer is in the focus of the modern marketing concept. The satisfaction of needs and the maintenance of customer loyalty are vital for success.
Customer Relations in Postmodern Marketing Whenever possible, the customer tries to participate in the “production” process by tailoring the product to suit his personality.
Future of PMM Over the years, discussions about postmodernism have included many topics such as fragmentation of consumers, consumerism, a rejection of modern marketing, disorder, and generally a critical view of the marketing scheme. There is no doubt that marketers have used the scientific principles to establish marketing as a science, but at the same time, marketing also requires creativity and unscientific tools to develop marketing applications. As such, the philosophies within marketing will be discussed for many years to come.
Conclusion of PMM Marketing and postmodernity are so intertwined that it is no longer possible to treat the two subjects at arm’s length or as peripherally-related topics. If marketing is the master narrative of postmodernity, as we have argued, then marketing scholarship has to move to the centre of the ongoing discussions of postmodernity in the humanities and the social sciences. Marketing can no longer pretend to be an instrumental discipline that affects consumers and society but has to become reflexive and has to be studied as the sociocultural process that defines postmodern society.
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