National Board Certification A Symbol of Excellence in Teaching Linda Bauld, NBCT Director, National Board Resource Center Stanford University As we wait, think of a teacher that made a huge impact on you. Be ready to share one quality of that teacher. Create list of qualities of great teachers By
Goal: To understand about NB Certification, what is required to certify, where to get help, and be able to decide if it’s right for you. What is National Board Certification? Benefits to Being an NBCT Details about the process Thinking Like an NBCT Experiencing the Architecture of Accomplished Teaching Using the Five Core Propositions Who are we? High school?, Middle school? Elementary? Who is not familiar with NBC? Who is familiar? Who has downloaded the Guide to NBC? Who has chosen the certificate area? Who has already decided to pursue certification?
What is National Board Certification? Rigorous, high standards, created by teachers, scored by teachers Over 108,000 NBCTs since 1992 37 states recognize National Board certification as a complete credential A network of accomplished teachers who are taking leadership roles and affecting policy A way to develop, recognize, and retain accomplished teaching
Why Pursue NB Certification? Impacts student learning Collaboration with accomplished colleagues Integrate Common Core standards Opportunity to clarify and affirm your practice Changes the school culture Being an NBCT opens doors Increased compensation Continuing education quarter units Change our profession!
Our goal: A strengthened career continuum for all teachers 1 2 3 Building practice to an accomplished level Getting board-certified Spreading instructional expertise Master teacher Board-certified teacher Teacher leader Professional teacher Novice teacher School leader Residency Induction Pre-service teacher
Eligibility Bachelor’s degree Three years of teaching/ counseling Valid state or school counseling license (or you have taught where a license is not required and the school is approved by the state Questions about eligibility call (800) 22-TEACH
From Guide to National Board Certification
Four Components: Three years For 2015-16 candidates may decide to complete Component 1, 2 and/or 3. Each component costs $475. Component 1 Content Knowledge-computer based assessment 3- 30 minute constructed response exercises, 45 selected response items Assessment includes content and pedagogy. Component 2 Differentiation in Instruction- identical to the old entry 1. Involves analyzing student work and differentiating instruction For all certificates except music this is not a video component Component 3 Teaching Practice and Learning Environment -video entry Involves either small group or whole class video of content area instruction along with an analysis of that instruction. This shows how you engage students and impact their learning. Component 4 (Available 2016-2017) Effective and Reflective Practitioner –Show evidence of your impact using your professional activities with students, peers, and community.
The Certification Process Intensely reflective Analytical Technology intensive Collaborative Provides a clear picture of accomplished teaching Shows how you impact student learning Risky, scary, builds personal courage!
Component 1: Content Knowledge Computerized, testing center that involves 45 selected response items, and 3- 30 minutes constructed response prompts. Stanford’s program involves practicing the 30 minute exercises, creating prompts, and sharing study materials
Component 2: Differentiation in Instruction Involves analyzing student work and making instructional changes that increase student learning. Involves 11-13 pages of writing. Stanford’s program involves practicing the Collaborative Protocol found at, setting goals aligned with student needs, and using assessments that inform instruction.
Now go back to your writing about your lesson and see if you can track its progress on the AAT. Discuss with a new partner.
Think of a lesson you recently taught and describe it. Use the Architecture of Accomplished Teaching to think like a National Board candidate Think of a lesson you recently taught and describe it. Explain the goal and why it was important Describe the instructional strategies you used and why. Were your students successful? How do you know? Share one challenge of the lesson with your group This is the type of analytical and reflective writing you do for Component 2 and 3. You can visit the website, download the tasks and look at the questions you have to answer. These are topics we cover at Stanford: how to set high, worthwhile goals, align with student needs,and instruction,
Writing and Analyzing Like a National Board Candidate Read the writing and answer the questions in your small group.
Component 3: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment Involves making two short videos that show evidence of how you create a learning environment and make instructional decisions that increase student learning. Involves 11-13 pages of writing. Stanford’s program involves practicing analyzing video, setting goals aligned with student needs, and using assessments that inform instruction.
Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner Involves showing evidence of how you impact student learning in your professional development, leadership, and working with families and the community. Stanford’s program involves helping you determine the best activities, providing collaboration around the writing and analysis of your work. Look for field test opportunities next year!
Why the Change in 2014-2015? Had to finish everything in one year Goal: Open NB Certification to more teachers without lowering the rigor 2013-14 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 Had to finish everything in one year $2,500 10 scored items: 4 portfolio entries, Assessment Center--6 exercises More options for educators, three years to complete Less expensive, $475 per component 4 scored items: 3 portfolio entries, Assessment Center– 3 exercises and 45 multiple choice Same standards and rigor Two websites right now: and
Five Core Propositions Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and learning Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to their students Proposition 3: Teachers are Responsible for Managing and Monitoring Student Learning. Proposition 4: Teachers Think Systematically about Their Practice and Learn from Experience. Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Learning Communities. NBCTs are dedicated to making knowledge available for all students. They believe all students can learn. They treat students equitably. NBCTs understand how students learn. They respect the cultures and family differences They’re concerned with their students’ self concept NBCTs are also concerned with developing character and civic responsibility
Certificate Areas and Standards Component 1,2- Component 3- 25 certificate areas , many with specific age ranges, Show website and see who is here from each certificate group.
Next Step: Look at the handout with the list of certificates. Choose your certificate area If you’re not sure open up Choosing the Right Certifcate Review the short desprition of the standards for your certificate.
Dates for the 2015-2016 Assessment Cycle From Guide to National Board Certification
What Support is Available? Time Guidance Collaboration Ask for release time Join a support network- Marin County? Get colleagues to join you Limit outside commitments Stanford CTA –ask for it! Connect with teachers in NB Google Groups Plan out your plan What Works! By Bobbie Faulkner District support network
What Support is Available at Stanford? Time Guidance Collaboration 7+ Saturdays Mentored with support providers Work in groups to read each other’s work Cost: $400 first year, $200 for each year after- payment due in October Up to 10 continuing education quarter units EACH year for a cost of $75 total EACH year. Register at
Enjoy breakfast!
Gather as a large group first to learn about the process
Work with an NBCT Support Provider
Collaborate and support other teachers in your field
Attend from a distance using webinar tools and Google Docs
Don’t go back and forth! Questions? For more information or to register with NBPTS: Yes! No!