How Far Away is Japan?
JAPA N YOU 6,966 Miles 132 Days: If you Walked About 17 hours: If you fly
Who Lives There?
The Heian period that lasted from the year in Japan
During the Heian period the Japanese created the painting style of YAMATO-E
YAMATO-E: The subjects of the these paintings are typically literature and history. They tell a story.
A Group of Children Playing under the Plum Blossoms in the Snow, Hashimoto Chikanobu (1838–1912)
Hanami - Cherry Blossom Viewing
During this period the Heian also created SEMPUYO
What Is It?
What Does It Mean?
SEMPUYO is a Japanese word that means “Flutter”
Miss V
Materials List Glue Paper Mat Board Scissors Origami Paper Raffia
Vocabulary List Japan Asia Heian Yamato-e Sempuyo
Checklist Did the student do the following… (1/4) ___ Fold their paper in an accordion style (1/4) ___ Create a cover for their book using origami paper (1/4) ___ Write their name in their book using Japanese symbols (1/4) ___ Attach raffia to their book to close it Total:__________ Student Name:______________________ Teacher:________________ Date:_______
Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary word bank… 1.What country created the Sempuyo? ________________ 2.What is the name for the people that live in Japan? ______________ 3.What is the name for the Japanese style painting that means “to tell a story?” ________________ 4.What continent is Japan located on? ________________ 5.What is the name of the type of book that means “flutter”? ________________ Name:_____________________________ Teacher:__________________ Date:_____________ WORD BANK Japan Asia Heian Yamato-e Sempuyo
South Carolina Standards Grade 3: Standard 6: The student will make connections between the visual arts and other arts disciplines, other content areas, and the world. Indicators VA3-6.1 Identify similarities and connections between the visual arts and other subjects in the school curriculum. VA3-6.2 Discuss and compare the similarities and differences between the visual arts and other arts disciplines. Standard 2: The student will use composition and the elements and principles of design to communicate ideas. Indicators VA3-2.1 Recognize and describe the differences in the composition and design of various works of visual art and the ideas they convey.
SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded. SEMPUYO A type of book that was created during the Heian period ( ) in Japan. Sempuyo means “flutter” which mimics the unique way the pages of the book are folded.
Sources for Sempuyo Information from: Images from: