Laura Halcrow 27 April 2015 1. Self management Not all people want or need assessment by health and social care staff. Health and social care services.


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Presentation transcript:

Laura Halcrow 27 April

Self management Not all people want or need assessment by health and social care staff. Health and social care services are changing to become more person centred and proactive. (E.g. Co-creating health, expert patients and self directed support) It involves giving individuals an active role in their own care. It is about giving the person the information and support to make their own decisions and plans to manage their health. 2

Why self management for falls? Only 20-25% of falls are reported to a health professional Only around 10% receive assessment This makes prevention challenging! Falls are nearly always due to one of more underlying risk factors. Recognising and modifying these risk factors is crucial in preventing falls and injuries. Multi-factorial, individualised interventions, based on risk assessment, can reduce falls by up to 30%. From: Falls and fractures: developing a local joint strategic needs assessment. (DoH 2009) 3

Why use technology? Surveys have shown that 26% of people over 65 use the internet. This rises to 63% for those between People are becoming more reliant on technology. Good medium to reach a lot of the public with health information. NHS Scotland are investing in the use of technology solutions to aid management on LTC’s. 4

Smart Care in Scotland aims.. “to improve the health, care and wellbeing of 10,000 people aged 50+ within Ayrshire and Clyde Valley, by enabling a better co-ordinated and more effective approach to falls prevention and management … focusing on the role that ICT services and applications can play in supporting integrated care ”

SmartCare in Scotland SCTT/NHS 24 has a national responsibility in Scotland as advisor, facilitator and promoter of technology enabled health, care & wellbeing for 5.2m population SmartCare overarching pop – 1.1m (20%) Involving 7 local authorities (22%) – social care/housing/education 3 territorial Health Boards (21%) Range of voluntary, charitable & independent sector organisations

How Fill the gaps Improve existing processes and communication Promote prevention Collaborate with service users and carers Use technology to improve existing self assessment tools – triage – MFA Implement SmartCare concept

Community Engagement Signposting- local services, events social network social networking Keep in touch- Skype family and friends Prevent isolation – keep active – be part of something

Living it up

Diary/Calendar Diary - enhance coordination Co ordination - Persons needs will be varied according to LTC and level of independence Pull together key events supports Link with agencies- GP Hospital appointments Adapting existing systems – home care- EquipU

Person profile Who am I – how do I want things organised Person held information – input practitioners Key Information Summary Health info Social info Comprehensive Integrated information system Influenced and tested by SmartCare

Falls assistant – self assessment An internet based self assessment measure to reduce an individuals falls risk. This involves the user answering a series of questions and completing activities about their general health, mobility and environment etc. Once completed it gives the user an individualised personal action plan which will aid the user to self manage their falls risk. Resource has been co-produced to ensure it is user friendly. Paper version will be developed to give service user choice. 14

Feedback 15 A good way to engage with people who have refused formal assessment A good resource for families and carers Keep it simple! Make it fun! A good way to sign post people

Progress so far! Project charter/business case formulated 1 st draft produced Presentation around concept made at Hampden Smart Care event and feedback gained. May 2014-Present MDT working group formed involving all smart care areas and have met on several occasions. May 2014-Present – Service user focus group formed involving volunteers recruited from Invigor8 classes. This has met on several occasions and members have been actively involved in coproducing the assessment. 16

Progress cont’d September 2014 – Procurement Process - SMG and Tactuum October 2014 algorithm formulated for assessment (on paper), and circulated nationally. November development commenced with SMG and Tactuum. Presented concept at Smart care European Assembly January 2015 – First prototype developed February 2015 – Initial testing event with user group and tool put on Living it up test sight. March 2015 – Clinical testing commenced

Introducing the Falls Assistant App

Falls self assessment section

Advice Given

User testing event

Clinical Testing Clinicians were asked to Supervise/observe service user using Falls assistant app If existing assessments had been carried out they were asked to compare results. Clinician then completed a comments form. Service user’s completed SUS and AFRIS measures Results were sent to the project team.

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