Fad Diets and Eating Disorders
Are you familiar with promises like these? They promise quick and easy weight loss. What do they actually deliver?
Risky Weight-Loss Strategies They not only fail to produce long- term results but also can cause serious health problems. Several types: – Fad Diets – Liquid Diets – Fasting – Diet Pills
Risky Weight-Loss Strategies Fad Diets Weight-loss plans that are popular for only a short time Often hard to stick to and costly Fail to provide the body with the nutrients it needs for health and growth Any weight-loss is usually regained Fasting To abstain from eating (not eating) Deprives your body of needed nutrients and energy After a certain period of time, your body begins to break down protein stored in muscle tissue for energy
Risky Weight-Loss Strategies Liquid Diets A person on a liquid diet replaces all of his or her food intake with a special liquid formula. Low-calorie Leave you feeling fatigued Do not provide the body with fiber and needed nutrients Can result in death Diet Pills Diet pills work by suppressing appetite. May cause drowsiness, anxiety, a racing heart, or other serious side effects, even death (Anna Nicole – TrimSpa) May be addictive Can lead to dehydration due to excess water loss
Weight Cycling The repeated pattern of loss and regain of body weight. Common in people who follow fad diets Studies have shown this to be harmful to the body Slow, steady, healthy weight loss is the best strategy for long-lasting results.
The Risks of Eating Disorders Sometimes a person’s concerns about weight and efforts to lose weight can get out of control. Becoming obsessed with thinness can lead to eating disorders. An eating disorder is an extreme, harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or even death. The exact cause is unknown. May be brought on by mental or emotional factors, social and family pressures, and perfectionism. About 90% are female Serious health problem requiring professional help 3 Types: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder
Anorexia Nervosa A disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming obese results in severe weight loss from self-imposed starvation. A psychological disorder with emotional and physical consequences. Develops most often in teenage girls and young women Symptoms: extremely low caloric intake, an obsession with exercising, emotional problems, an unnatural interest in food, a distorted body image, and denial of an eating problem.
Anorexia Nervosa Physical consequences are related to malnutrition and starvation. Physical Consequences: – Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle) – Loss of bone density – Low body temperature – Low blood pressure – Slowed metabolism – Reduction in organ size – Serious heart problems Treatment: Professional psychological help, possibly stay at a clinic or hospital where the person can receive nutrients to regain weight and strength
Bulimia Nervosa A disorder in which some form of purging or clearing of the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating. After binging, overeating, a person with bulimia will vomit or take laxatives to purge the food from their body. Person has a distorted body image Repeated binging, purging, and fasting can cause serious health problems or even death. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, kidney damage, and irregular heartbeat. Treatment: Both medication and psychological counseling
Binge Eating Disorder A disorder characterized by compulsive overeating. People with this disorder consume huge amounts of food at one time but do not try to purge. Food is used as a coping mechanism for strong emotions or depression. Often results in unhealthful weight gain and the health problems associated with overweight and obesity. Treatment: Professional psychological counseling and sometimes medication
Help for Eating Disorders People with eating disorders need professional medical and psychological help. They may also benefit from support groups and clinics. Consult a trusted adult if you think that a friend may have an eating disorder. Encourage your friend to seek professional help and be supportive.
Extra Credit Poster Assignment Due no later than Friday, October 31, create a poster advocating against fad diets (should be relevant to high school students). Come up with a concept that conveys the message of the potentially harmful effects of fad diets. Use pictures and advertisements for fad diets either printed from the internet or torn out from magazines. Also use pictures depicting information about healthful weight-loss strategies.
True Life: I Have An Eating Disorder Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four