Types of Conflict 29 April 2015
What is Conflict ? A struggle or clash between opposing characters, forces, or emotions In basic terms The problem of the story that characters have to overcome Introduced in the Rising Action of the story Comes to a point during the Climax of the story Resolved in the Falling action and Resolution of the story
People involved in a Conflict Protagonist Central character Sometimes called a “hero” This is a misnomer (bad name for it) Not always a true “hero” The story revolves around him or her Antagonist Character which opposes the protagonist Creates the conflict Does not have to be a separate character Depends on the type of Conflict
6 Types of Conflict Person vs. Person Person vs. Self Person vs. Society Person vs. Nature Person vs. Supernatural Person vs. Technology
Person vs. Person (Or Person vs. Entity) Central character clashes with another character Does not always need to be a person Could be an animal Main thing is that it’s a single being or entity, as opposed to society Example: Perry the Platypus vs. Doofenshmirtz
Person vs. Self Central character battles him or her self This is an internal conflict However, this may involve other characters Other people may not be able to see the problem Usually struggling with some difficult decision May lack confidence or the ability to achieve something Example: Simba needing to work past his shame and return to the pride
Person vs. Society Central character has to challenge a law, tradition, or institution Usually leads to a change in society Example: Homosexual couples battling the Supreme Court for the right to marry
Person vs. Nature Central character fights to endure or overcome the forces of nature May need to survive harsh elements, navigate through a disaster, or meet basic needs Usually occur in wilderness, can occur in urban settings NOTE: A person vs. one animal is NOT this kind of conflict Instead, that would be a person vs. person Example: People struggling to survive in Nepal after the earthquake
Person vs. Supernatural Central character must challenge forces that are not a part of the central character’s world Ghosts Haunted houses Aliens If both the central character and his opponent are magical, it would still be Person vs. Person Harry Potter is Person vs. Person Example: People in Paranormal Activity, Ghostbusters, or Alien
Person vs. Technology Central character challenges technological forces Could be fighting robots Could have trouble adjusting to modern technology Can easily be confused with Person vs. Supernatural Example: Old folks having trouble using a computer I, Robot