Words related with computers, Internet, s, web searches CYBERVOCABULARY
Hard Disk Keyboard Compact disc drive Screen Modem Mouse Loudspeaker webcam Monitor Scanner
WHAT IS IT? Blog = Online diary To chat = to talk online Hacker = Computer Pirate Search Engine = A website you use to find other web sites Homepage = A Web site first page
WHAT IS IT? Browser = A programme you need to surf the Internet Download = Saving something from the Internet onto your computer Webcam = A camera connected to the internet Pop = The number your modem dials to connect to the Internet Spam = s you don’t want Link = When you click on it, it takes you to other Internet pages
EDIT = modificaTOOLS = strumenti VIEW = visualizzaTABLE = tabella WINDOW = finestraFORMAT = formato INSERT = inserisciHELP = ? New document Save Copy Underline Cut Close Bold Paste Italics Open Print Preview
Home Page Print Refresh Address Bar Add to Favourites Add to Library Google Bar Go back Web Browser
Link Sections Name of the Web Site Ricerca nel sito Naviga nel sito Registrati
Dimensione mail Cancella mail Sposta in un’altra cartella Mittente Rubrica
Posta in arrivo Cestino Bozze Posta inviata Spam Organizza le cartelle Salva in Bozze Invia Allegati Indirizzo del destinatario Carattere Oggetto, argomento
USEFUL VERBS AND WORDS TO SHUT DOWN / TO TURN OFF = Spegnere (il computer) TO CRUSH = Bloccarsi POWER BUTTON = pulsante di accensione LEFT CLICK BUTTON = pulsante di sinistra del mouse MOUSE POINTER = puntatore del mouse ENTER KEY = Tasto di inserimento KEY = Tasto TO STORE = Immagazzinare CURSOR = Cursore
NET SLANG In order to save space and time, Internet users write the acronyms instead of the full words. Here are some examples: TYVM = Thank you very much BFN = Bye for now CU = See you GTG = I’ve got to go HAND = Have a nice day IMO = In my opinion JAM = Just a Minute OIC = Oh, I see ASAP = As soon as possible
NETIQUETTE Never use CAPITAL LETTERS, it means “shouting”! Don’t write offending words, vulgarities. Don’t write too long messages, especially when you reply. Don’t write passwords on s and never give secret informations by . If you write something ironically, always put a smiley to let the person know you’re joking!
PUT THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE RIGHT ORDER To insert a picture in a Power Point Slide: A.Click once on the picture. B.Click on Insert, then on Picture, then on From File. C.Find the picture you want D.To move the picture around on the slide, click & drag the picture from the middle of the picture. E.Click on Insert. TO CREATE A NEW BLANK PRESENTATION: 1.Click on the Slide layout you want. 2.Click on New 3.Launch the PowerPoint program. 4.Click on OK. 5.Click on File 6.Click on Blank Presentation.