SATs Standard Assessment Tests
Our School Mission Statement ‘Achieving potential whilst making learning fun’
Self esteem “The most important influence on a person's level of self-esteem are their parents. After parents have had their say, little else in life is able to modify the opinion of self thus formed" Nicolas Emler ; 2001 The Costs and Causes of Low Self-Esteem Joseph Rowntree Foundation
SATs Keeping a Balance Preparation or Pressure?
What SATs measure: MathsEnglish (Science - teacher assessment)
Assessment to show Progression Foundation Stage (Profile at the end of Rec) Foundation Stage (Profile at the end of Rec) Key Stage 1(age 7 Teacher Assessment) Key Stage 1(age 7 Teacher Assessment) Key Stage 2(age 11 - SATs) Key Stage 2(age 11 - SATs) Key Stage 3 (SATs dropped) Key Stage 3 (SATs dropped) Key Stage 4(age 16 – GCSEs) Key Stage 4(age 16 – GCSEs) Sixth Form(A Levels) Sixth Form(A Levels) Further Education Further Education
What levels mean at eleven P Levels (working at pre-national curriculum) Level 1 Working below age related expectations Level 2 (2A, 2B, 2C) Level 3Working below age related expectations Level 4Working at age related expectations Level 5Working above age related expectations Level 6 Exceptional
SATs level - Maths Scores out of 100 Scores out of 100 Level 319 – 45 Level 319 – 45 Level 446 – 78 Level 446 – 78 Level Level
SATs Level – English (Reading) Scores out of 50 Scores out of 50 Level Level Level Level Level Level
SATs Level-English (Grammar) Score out of 70 (50 for Grammar; 20 for spelling) Score out of 70 (50 for Grammar; 20 for spelling) Level Level Level Level Level Level
SATs Week Timetable May 2015 MondayReading Test & Level 6 R. Tuesday Grammar, punctuation & spelling & Level 6 test & spelling & Level 6 test WednesdayMaths A & Mental Maths Thursday Maths B & Level 6 Maths Friday
Maths Mental arithmetic from a recording to ensure fairness – try to work out in your head, but you can make notes. Mental arithmetic from a recording to ensure fairness – try to work out in your head, but you can make notes. Time allowed for questions, 5 seconds, Time allowed for questions, 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 15 seconds Blank answer sheet to help Blank answer sheet to help
Mental Arithmetic Time 2008 track 3
Maths Papers A & B Always show your working out – you may get extra marks! Always show your working out – you may get extra marks! Questions designed to test understanding Questions designed to test understanding Calculators not allowed in Test B this year Calculators not allowed in Test B this year
Maths This shape is made from two separate squares and an equilateral triangle. This shape is made from two separate squares and an equilateral triangle. Calculate the size of angle a. Do not use a protractor. a
Maths This shape is made from 5 identical squares. Draw one square so that the new shape has exactly one line of symmetry. This shape is made from 5 identical squares. Draw one square so that the new shape has exactly one line of symmetry. Find 2 ways of doing this.
English – Spelling Bacteria The importance of washing their hands before a meal is emphasised to small children as a way of keeping healthy. But do you ever think about germs and disease? It is true that some bacteria, and other micro- organisms, can cause serious problems… Out of 20
English – Writing Punctuation Pyramid.. ?. ?, !. ?, … ! ‘ “”. ?, … ! ‘ “” : ;
Spelling, grammar and punctuation test Look at the underlined part of the sentence, is it a phrase or a clause? 1. We went outside so we could enjoy the sunshine. 2. The sun shone in the bright blue sky. 3. The beautiful rainbow lasted for hours. 4. We had fun running around the garden. Circle the article in each sentence below. 1. After the argument they all went home. 2. We saw a magnificent polar bear. 3. Eating an apple can help keep you healthy.
How can parents help? Common concerns at this stage – upset, can’t do it – please let us know Common concerns at this stage – upset, can’t do it – please let us know
Be Positive! Take an interest rather than pressurise Take an interest rather than pressurise Try to make it fun if you can Try to make it fun if you can Praise – constant reassurance Praise – constant reassurance A little and often (20 minutes?) A little and often (20 minutes?) Repeat and review Repeat and review Vary the work Vary the work Keep other activities going Keep other activities going sports, hobbies
Using the Collins Guides Revision Guides with sample questions Write on them – tick the pages Read – Cover – Test – Check Parents mark with the child to check understanding
Good Health makes a difference Exercise Exercise Sensible eating (e-additives) Sensible eating (e-additives) Sleep Sleep Water Water
Television and Internet Support Plus television programmes to support