U:2 S:5 COMPOUND NOUNS وزارة التربية التوجيه الفني العام للغة الإنجليزية المركز الإقليمي لتطوير البرمجيات التعليمية
My sister asked me to wind up her doll so it start to move It’s a famous doll among our clan
The interior side of the doll is stuffed with cotton It was a gift from our neighbors before they deserted their home.
= = hotmail = = football = = highschool
SB P.21 EX.1 Lunchtime Birthday Teapot Grandfather Fireworks Necklace Freelance
DERIVATIVES Suffixes for nouns : HoodMention ChildhoodComplimentCelebration Neighborh ood Supplementcomprehension Likelihood CommitmentRelation
SUFFIXES FOR ADJECTIVES fulousAl Helpful dangerous Natural Useful PreciousMagical