CCOT Presentation: Italy Between 1850 and 1975 By: Olivia Yeagle and Laura Gonzalez
Situation In Italy In 1850 The popular idea of the Unification of Italy was spreading throughout the territory Pope Pius IX was against the unification and anything modern Italy was broken up into provinces that were controlled by Austria, France, etc The Pope formed an alliance with France which instigated a war with Austria The war was followed by uprisings which favored joining Piedmont-Sardania (a constitutional monarchy) While Northern Italy a conservative top-down approach prevailed Revolutionary, Giuseppe Garibaldi and a band of followers landed in Sicily then in Southern Italy and overthrew the Kingdoms, however, Gavour sidelined Garibaldi and expanded Piedmont-Sardinia and unified Italy
Situation In Italy in 1975 Overthrew Mussolini's fascist regime Is a Christian democracy political party 1950’s: -member of the united nations -becomes an ally of the united states 1960-1970’s: extremists riots Economic boom during the 1950’s-1970’s
Changes In Italy Between 1850-1975 Change 1: In the beginning of this time period Italy had immense nationalism and pride because many people wanted Italy unified. The popularity of Italy becoming one country spread so quickly people had immense pride. Once WW1 was over many people lost this nationalism even though Italy was on the winning side. The postwar economy was horrible and it demanded action from many people. This was when Mussolini stepped in and brought the nationalism and pride in Italy back up again. He made Italy a strong country by making famous speeches and advertisements for propaganda. His ideas whipped up public happiness or nationalism.
Changes In Italy Between 1850-1975 Mussolini installed fascism in 1922-1943 Started as an aristocratic/monarchial one that emphasized a strong central government. Fascist party was an Italian political party created by benito mussolini during WWI. It emphasized aggressive nationalism and was mussolini’s instruments for the creation of a dictatorship in italy from 1922-1943.
Continuities In Italy Between 1850-1975 Continuity 1: The nation of Italy unified in 1866 and has continued until present-day. Stayed unified through WWI-WWII even though they lost unlike Germany in WWII who’s territory was divided Giuseppe garibaldi was an italian nationalist and revolutionary who conquered and later added sicily and naples to the unification of italy Unification achieved by the expansion of the kingdom of piedmont- sardina with france’s help
Continuities In Italy Between 1850-1975 Continuity 2: italian language Crucial element in creating a sense of national unity even before 1871 Language not only unified the nation but was also the tool of the new generation involving politics This romance language is mainly spoken in Europe, it is a second language for about three countries and by minorities in albania, monaco, montenegro and such
Maps Between 1850-1975
Bibliography Bulliet, Richard W., Pamela Kyle Crossley, Daniel R. Headrick, Steven W. Hirsch, Lyman L. Johnson, and David Northrup. The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History. N.p.: n.p., n.d. "The Unification of Italy: The Risorgimento." The Unification of Italy. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. "History of the Italian Republic." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.