Flipping Hell! What could possibly go wrong?
Flipped Learning Visit for a longer version of the handout Follow Geoff on twitter: geoffreypetty
Stage 1 Outside the classroom Basic content learned by students outside of class time Stage 2 In the classroom Teacher sets tasks involving analysis, problem solving, evaluation etc Face-to-face student teacher interaction Stage 3 Further independent work Student works alone on further tasks, assignments etc Flipped Learning
Stage 1 Outside the classroom Basic content learned by student outside class time Stage 2 In the classroom Student queries are answered Stage 1 learning is checked Teacher sets tasks involving analysis, problem solving, evaluation etc Stage 3 Further independent work Student works alone on further tasks, assignments etc
Flipped Learning: What could possibly go wrong? For the student? For the teacher?
What could possibly go wrong? (fixable!?) Stage 1 not done by some …. …weaker or less motivated learners...able but complacent learners I’m Stuck!.. no dialogue and support in stage 1 No task in stage 1 No formative assessment in stage 1 Time consuming for the teacher, at least at first
Let’s fix those problems…..
Stage 1 dialogue and support ‘study buddies’ You pair up ‘one who can’ with ‘one who can’t’ You stress the difference between copying and teaching/learning You make the short term learning objective clear The helper reports progress to you
Learning Teams Group of 5-7 students (mixed) Responsible for each other’s performance (group gets average mark of its members?) Ensure one student in each group is good at vital skills Not friends Meet outside class time Chair and secretary rotates: agenda and minutes You decide first agenda, and see all minutes
Academic controversy (4 in two pairs) Pair A prepares: Why Peer tutoring methods work Pair B prepares: Why these methods don’t work, & difficulties Then: 1.State your cases without interruption 2.Argue! Together: How the difficulties could be overcome
Orientating Flipped Learning
Present Orientation: preparation for learning New material is taught Feedback for learner and teacher Apply Students do tasks to apply the new learning Feedback for learner and teacher Review Learning is summarised and clarified Feedback for learner and teacher
Present Orientation: preparation for learning New material is taught Feedback for learner and teacher Apply Students do tasks to apply the new learning Feedback for learner and teacher Review Learning is summarised and clarified Feedback for learner and teacher
Present Orientation: preparation for learning New material is learned Feedback for learner and teacher Apply Students do tasks to apply the new learning Feedback for learner and teacher Review Learning is summarised and clarified Feedback for learner and teacher Relevant recall questions.93 Advance organisers.48 Setting goals.97
Present Orientation: preparation for learning New material is learned Feedback for learner and teacher Apply Students do tasks to apply the new learning Feedback for learner and teacher Review Learning is summarised and clarified Feedback for learner and teacher
Present Orientation: preparation for learning New material is learned Feedback for learner and teacher Apply Students do tasks to apply the new learning Feedback for learner and teacher Review Learning is summarised and clarified Feedback for learner and teacher
Present Orientation: preparation for learning New material is learned Feedback for learner and teacher Apply Students do tasks to apply the new learning Feedback for learner and teacher Review Learning is summarised and clarified Feedback for learner and teacher
Lesson structure Present Orientation: preparation for learning New material is learned Feedback for learner and teacher Apply Students do tasks to apply the new learning Feedback for learner and teacher Review Learning is summarised and clarified Feedback for learner and teacher Hattie:.81Hattie:.97
Materials Youtube/education Knowmia.com Khan Academy ( Googling: “Health and Social Care Youtube” Type, topic, level searches e.g.: Video osmosis A level
We need tasks in stage 1 ….
Teaching without talking elearning
Peer explaining of model answers
Uses of graphic organisers advance organisers planning for writing student & teacher notes visual display e.g. in the classroom student groups reporting back to the class brainstorming Creates understanding so Model the use of organisers
Graphic Organiser Ping Pong: 1. you ask for a graphic organiser 3. you send them your model organiser 5. you check there are improvements 2. students create one and send it to you 4. they self assess their organiser, improve it and return it to you 6. they take a quiz
We need formative assessment and dialogue in stage 1 ….
Diagnostic questions: Which statements below are true? (64 possible answers) 1.Area is Length x Height for a rectangle 2.2 metres squared = 2 metres x 2 metres 3.For a square, area is twice the length of one side 4.Area is measured in the units of length, such as centimetres or metres 5.For a rectangle, the area is always a bigger number, than that for its perimeter 6.Area is the two dimensional space occupied by a shape, in square units
Mastery Learning Checking stage 1 learning
Mastery Learning
Mastery Marking
Flipped Learning is not proven, but worth a try When flipping: Use learning teams or study buddies Orientate by check and correct of prior learning; summary in advance; & setting goals Stage 1 Set tasks Set self-check quizes, to diagnose and fix learning Stage 2 Begin by checking and correcting Stage 1 learning Ensure classroom dialogue, class discussion etc
High Quality Learning Challenging task with clear success criteria Students’ Work Feedback to learners to teacher
High Quality Learning Challenging task with clear success criteria Students’ Work Feedback to learners to teacher improvement
High Quality Learning Challenging task with clear success criteria Students’ Work Feedback to learners to teacher Purpose of the session improvement