Establishing Multi-tiered Behavior Support Frameworks to Achieve Positive School-wide Climate George Sugai Tim Lewis Rob Horner University of Connecticut University of Missouri University of Oregon
Children & Youth & Their Families School & District Leaders APBS, OSEP, OSHS Researchers & Implementers Praise & Acknowledgement
PURPOSE Provide overview & booster on implementation of multi-tiered behavior frameworks (MTBF) to enhance leadership team implementation capacity when establishing positive school climates
1:00 Agenda 2:00 3:15 4:30 3:00 Break 5:00 Adjourn
Presentations SCTG Webinars, Overviews, Materials
MTBF Core Features PBIS, SWPBS, MTSS-B,….
Getting Tough Teaching to Corner Applied Challenge: Academic & behavior success (failure) are linked!
MTBF is about….
Biglan, Colvin, Mayer, Patterson, Reid, Walker Preventing development of antisocial behavior & establishing positive school climates Surgeon General’s Report on Youth Violence (2001) Coordinated Social Emotional & Learning (Greenberg et al., 2003) Center for Study & Prevention of Violence (2006) Justice Center & Council of State Governments (2014) White House Conference on School Violence (2006)
Understanding mechanism (Function) matters!
Coercive Cycle
Positive Reinforcement Cycle
Negative School Behavior Negative School Behavior Negative Student Behavior Negative Student Behavior What’s It Take to Shift from Negative to Positive School Climate??? Positive Student Behavior Positive Student Behavior Positive School Behavior Positive School Behavior Coercive Cycle Positive Reinforcement Cycle
Common Vision/Values Common Language Common Experience Quality Leadership Effective Organizations “Organizations are groups of individuals whose collective behaviors are directed toward a common goal & maintained by a common outcome” Skinner, 1953, Science of Human Behavior GOAL (Big Outcome)
PBIS (aka SWPBS, MTBF) Framework Continuum Academically All
SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA OUTCOMES Vincent, Randall, Cartledge, Tobin, & Swain-Bradway 2011; Sugai, O’Keeffe, & Fallon, 2012ab Supporting Important Culturally Equitable Academic & Social Behavior Competence Supporting Culturally Relevant Evidence-based Interventions Supporting Culturally Knowledgeable Staff Behavior Supporting Culturally Valid Decision Making SWPBS emphasis
“How far away is the wood, Dad?” Considering Culture, Context, & Learning History Maryland
Potential for cultural exchange & conflict
Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ALL SOME FEW
SWPBS: Core Practice Features SECONDARY PREVENTION Team-led implementation w/ behavior expertise Increased social skills instruction, practice Increased supervision & precorrection Increased opportunities for reinforcement Continuous progress monitoring TERTIARY PREVENTION Multi-disciplinary team w/ behavior expertise Function-based behavior support Wraparound, culture-driven, person-centered supports & planning School mental health Continuous monitoring of progress & implementation fidelity Increased precorrection, supervision, reinforcement PRIMARY PREVENTION Team-led implementation Behavior priority Social behavior expectations SW & CW teaching & encouraging of expectations Consistency in responding to problem behavior Data-based decision making Precision Engagement Feedback Practice Teamwork
Continuum of Support “Theora” Dec 7, 2007 Science Soc Studies Comprehension Math Soc skills Basketball Spanish Label behavior…not people Decoding Writing Technology
Continuum of Support for ALL: “Molcom” Dec 7, 2007 Prob Sol. Coop play Adult rel. Anger man. Attend. Peer interac Ind. play Label behavior/practice…..not humans Self-assess Homework Technology
Continuum of Support for ALL: “________” Dec 7, 2007 __________ _________ ________ __________ _______ _________ ________ ___________ _________ __________
ESTABLISHING CONTINUUM of SWPBS SECONDARY PREVENTION Check in/out Targeted social skills instruction Peer-based supports Social skills club TERTIARY PREVENTION Function-based support Wraparound Person-centered planning PRIMARY PREVENTION Teach SW expectations Proactive SW discipline Positive reinforcement Effective instruction Parent engagement SECONDARY PREVENTION TERTIARY PREVENTION PRIMARY PREVENTION Homework
State Dept. of _______ PBIS Initiative Outcome Improve School Climate Outcome Improve School Climate SIG/SPDG RtI/MTSS SSHS/SDFS School Climate Turnaround Character Education Alternative Schools Restorative Systems Social Emotional Learning Organization?
Aligning & Braining Initiatives Past initiatives have failed due to lack of integration & alignment of ALL systems H. George Feb 2015
Factors Directly & Indirectly Contributing To Student Learning Louis, Leithwood, Wahlstrom, & Anderson (2010). School Leadership School Conditions Teachers Classroom Conditions Student/ Family Background MTSS
Implementation Drivers
Internal Coaching Support External Coaching Support Basic MTBF Implementation Framework Team Coaching Support Regional/State Leadership
Agreements Team Data-based Action Plan “Plan” Implementation “Do” Evaluation “Check” General Implementation Process State District School Students Staff Principal, Superintendent All Staff, Students, Administrators = Coaching
School/District/State Leadership Team Collect data, analyze, & decide Select evidence-based practice Establish measurable outcome Implement deliberately & continuously Arrange to implement with fidelity Monitor implementatio n & progress Develop implementatio n plan/system Policy Visibility Political Support Technical Assistance
Enhancing Implementation Fidelity: Practices & Systems Basics & Advanced
Enhancing Decision Making Defendable actions & decisions
Concluding comments, Q&A, discussions What next?
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