Regional Water and Environmental Sanitation Centre, Kumasi Africa Centres of Excellence Project 3rd ACE Worksop 12th -14th May 2015, Banjul, Gambia
Outline Update of KNUST DLI activities and main implementation activities Partnerships with Academia and Industry Accreditation and quality assurance
Updates on DLIs DLIs DLI Indicators DLI 1 Institutional and Administrative capacity and planning ACEs endorsed Creation of ACE account Signing of partner agreements Increased financial autonomy DLI 2.1 to 2.3 Academic programmes 2.1 PhD students enrolled 2.2 Master Students enrolled 2.3 Short term course DLI 2.4 Outreach programme Students industry internship Faculty industry outreach/internship DLI 2.5 Education capacity International accreditation Self-evaluation /Gap assessment DLI 2.6 Research capacity Publishing of articles DLI 2.7 Financial sustainability Externally generated revenue
DLI 2.8 Improve teaching and learning environment Designs at the final stage Tender documents Tendering and award of contract
Updates on DLIs DLIs DLI Indicators DLI 2.8 Improve teaching and learning environment M1 - Building contract signed, contract on the ACE website M2 - 40% of building completed, photos on ACE website M3 - Laboratory equipment purchase order/contract signed M4 – 100% completion of building and 80% of equipment supplied, DLI 3 Financial Management DLR 3.1 Submission of timely withdrawal application by ACE DLR 3.2. Functioning internal audit unit/ committee DLR 3.3. Functioning University audit DLR 3.4. Transparency on financial management DLI 4 Procurement DLR 4.1 Timely procurement audit DLR 4.2 Timely and Satisfactory Procurement Progress
Partnerships with Academia and Industry Ghana Sector Partners (KMA/ MMDAs and Ghana water company) University of Cheikh Anta Diop UCAD, Senegal, University of Cape Coast National Water Resources Institute (Kaduna, Nigeria) University of Education University of Benin Nigeria
Academic Partnerships Build capacity of academic partners where there is need Visiting professors/academic staff input into capacity building programme (one week modular courses) Faculty Outreach and exchange and exposure Student exchange to use labs and facilities Joint research and publication, solving developmental problems,
Industry Partnerships Industry Guest lecturers’ input into capacity building and training, Enroll staff of partners into MSc programmes Run short courses for continue professional development Industrial Outreach/ internships programme (for students and staff ) Joint research, solving developmental problems, and publication
Accreditation and quality assurance Accreditation of MSc programme by UNESCO-IHE-Institute of Infrastructure, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft Self evaluation by KNUST Evaluation by UNESCO-IHE National accreditation of MSc programme by NAB
thank you for your attention AGS 2004 Annual Meeting, Sweden thank you for your attention African Dimension to Developing Research Partnerships