SAFe Solution Overview Continuous Client Feedback
SAFe Support in RTC V6.0 Project Area Initialization Program/Team Timeline structure Roles & Permissions Artifacts Work Item Types Planning Queries, Templates, Dashboards Reports
SAFe Concepts Supported
SAFe – RTC Mapping SAFe Level SAFe Concept RTC Concept Notes Program Roadmap & Vision Plan View Vision can be a tab on the plan editor or it can be reflected in an HTML widget on the dashboard Program Backlog Program Roadmap Architectural Runway Program Epic Work Item Type Epic Type (Business/Architectural) attribute on the Program Epic work item type Feature Feature Type (Business/Architectural/NFR*) attribute on Feature work item type * Non Functional Requirement Program PI Objective PI Objective work item type with Program value for PI Type. Team Story Task Team PI Objective PI Objective work item type with Team for PI Type. Team Backlog QP Planning Views <All Levels> Role Assigned to appropriate Project Area or Team Area Created in the Project Area for the right level
SAFe RTC Infrastructure RTC Project Area or Team Area RTC Project Area CLM LPA or SAFe Portfolio (Coming Soon!) SAFe Program 1 SAFe Team A SAFe Team B SAFe Program 2 SAFe Team C SAFe Team D SAFe Team E Establish new Program with Teams Establish a new Program that tracks work of existing Teams New environments Existing environments
FAQs Use the SAFe Program process template to establish a new Program project area. If your Teams have their own RTC project areas already established, track the work of those teams from Features in the Program via the tracks link type. What if I already have established Teams using RTC or third-party tooling? Use the published SAFe RTC Configuration Guidelines document to apply the very same customizations to any other process template already in use in your organization to create the infrastructure, artifacts and plans. What if I am not moving to RTC V6.0 any time soon? No, you will need to use the SAFe RTC Configuration Guidelines described above to apply the SAFe-related customizations. Can I migrate an existing project area to the new SAFe process template? Yes Can I use the SAFe process template and apply my own customizations? Once you have a project area based on the SAFe process template, you can take advantage of any updates we make to this template going forward. What is the advantage of establishing a new environment with the SAFe template?
Project Area Initialization SAFe Program Project Area – Initializes Program project area SAFe Team Team Areas – Initializes two Team Areas: Team 1 (rename) Team 2 (rename) Work Item Categories - Initializes the project area with default categories for Program and Teams: Post-Project Initialization Tasks work item – Created to describe the post-project initialization activities to perform Artifacts – Initializes the project area with SAFe artifacts and associated dashboards, plans, plan type, and plan views
Tracks [1-M] (cross-project) Work Item Types Program Epic Risk Defect Retrospective Children [1-M] Feature Tracks [1-1] PI Objective [Program] Tracks [1-1] Tracks [1-M] (cross-project) Children [1-M] Story Children [1-M] PI Objective [Team] Children [1-M] Task Suggested link types/cardinality, not enforced by process State constraints in place (cannot resolve parent unless all of the children are resolved)
Work Flow - Plan Items Analysis Backlog Funnel Closed Program Epic Draft Reviewed Analyzing Ready (for Approval) Approved Implementing Done In Progress New Done Feature New Implementing Integration Testing Done
Work Flow – Execution Items New Closed PI Objective Done In Progress New In Progress Closed Risk Done
Work Flow - Execution Items (continued) New In Development In Test Done In Progress Story New In Development Done In Progress Task
Work Item Attributes Program Epic Value Statement Epic Type [Business, Architectural] Feature Feature Type [Business, Architectural, NFR] Program Epic/Feature Job Size (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20) User/Business Value (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20) RR/OE (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20) Time Criticality (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20) WSJF [calculated] PI Objective PI Objective Type [Program, Team] Business Value (planned) [1-10] Business Value (actual) [1-10] Planned For , Filed Against
Planning Progress on work items tracked as Time Remaining Display estimates in hours selected In single SAFe Program project area with Team Areas, progress rolls up from Team Tasks > Stories to Program Features Complexity Attribute – Story Points Custom Attributes – Attribute Mapping Program Backlog plan type Kanban View: Implements SAFe Kanban System for Program Epics Roadmap: Epic > Feature [> Story > Task] WSJF Ranked List: Feature ranking by WSJF Team plans as per Scrum process template Except Kanban and Taskboard views customized with updated work flow
Queries, Templates, Dashboards Pre-Defined Queries Work Item Templates Program/Team Dashboards Program: Activity-based Team: Role-based (as per Scrum and Agile ALM templates) SAFe Level Predefined Query Description Program Open features Unresolved open features Open program epics Program epics that are unresolved Open program PI objectives Unresolved program PI objectives Open team PI objectives Unresolved team PI objectives Open non -feature work items Unresolved open non-feature work items SAFe Level Template Name Description Program Program Initiation Use to create work items applicable when a Program is first initiated Program Increment Use at the start of each Program increment to create work items for the typical program events, activities, requirements and ceremonies Development Iteration Use before the start of each development iteration and for each team to create work items for typical iteration events Innovation and Planning Use prior to each Innovation and Planning Sprint and for each team to create work items for typical Sprint events
Reports What I really want to know? Analysis SAFe Reports Out of the box Additional Program-level reports as downloadable bundle Self-Assessments Linked from tasks created by Program Increment and Development Iteration work item templates
What I really want to know and how I find out… Look at status of Tasks, Stories, Features and PI Objectives What is behind? Explore burn down of Stories, Features, PI Objectives How much are we behind? Explore dependencies: who is impacting/impacted; consider changes during execution to time spent and scope added/removed. What is at risk? Where are there dependencies that cause risk? View discussion threads in work items Why are we behind? Risk ownership What actions should be taken by whom? Velocity and predictability data over time How have we performed so I can plan better?
SAFe OOTB Reports Report Description SAFe Metric Answers the question… Burndown by Story Points Number of story points assigned to work items that are either open or in progress over daily intervals M1 M4 Are we behind? How much are we behind? Burnup by Story Points Number of story points associated with completed work over daily intervals Are we green, yellow, orange? Changes to Time Spent Work items where the time spent has been updated within the last 7 days Why are we behind? What is at risk? Defects by Priority Chart (List) Total number of defects by priority Are we improving our quality? Incomplete Stories Stories targeted for current iteration that are still incomplete What is behind? Iteration Health Visualization based on various statistics that can be used to interpret the health of the current iteration filtered by timelines Release Status Chart (List) Number of open and closed stories for a release Scope Added Work added to the current iteration scope after iteration start Scope Removed Work removed from the current iteration scope after iteration start Team Dependencies List of open work items blocked by another team’s open work items M5 Team Velocity Number of story points completed in each iteration How well did we do?
Additional SAFe Reports (in progress) Description SAFe Metric Answers the question… Release Predictability Trend report that shows Program velocity by Team over time M5 Are we improving our ability to deliver? Which teams are still struggling? Where are our bottlenecks? Program Increment (PI) Burndown Story Points burn down by Sprints in the PI M4 Are we behind ? How much are we behind? Feature Progress Based on # of stories completed vs remaining for Feature Are we green, yellow, red? Velocity planned/actual As measure of Story Points rolled up to Feature How well did we do? Number of Business Features planned/delivered/accepted by customer Are we improving our value delivery? Number of Architecture Features Measure of risk/instability Program Self-Assessment M3 Where can we improve as a program? Team Self-Assessment M2 Where can we improve as a team?
What do I do next? Visit the SAFe Landing Page: Examine the self-assessments and provide feedback Review the SAFe solution details document (coming soon!) Watch the YouTube videos and various recorded webinars Download RTC V6.0 RC1 and try out the new template Provide feedback via (Forum, Work Items) If you are interested in being a formal reference for our SAFe solution, please let us know!