Nontraditional Employment & Training Program Center for Women in Government & Civil Society University at Albany State University of New York ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT
Developing Your Action Plan VisionGoal Statement Objectives Evaluation MissionObjective 1Objective 2Objective 3Outputs & Outcomes Operating Values Activities Process & Outcome Indicators Tasks Evaluation Strategies Timeline
Developing the Goal Statement Developing the Goal: A statement of What Will Be Accomplished Broad, Global, Overarching Program Purpose Identifies 2 Items: ◦The Audience ◦The Situation or Behavior You Want to Change SAMPLE GOAL To increase the numbers of practicing female computer engineers SAMPLE GOAL To increase the numbers of practicing female computer engineers
Developing the Objectives SPECIFIC Details exactly what needs to be done. Thoroughly defines the goal. S MEASURABLE Provides a checkpoint for when tasks are achieved. Gives specific feedback and creates accountability. M ATTAINABLE The tasks assigned should be able to be completed and any obstacles are addressed. REALISTIC There is enough resources available to achieve the goal. TIMED The timeline of when tasks need to be completed and when the goal must be achieved is clearly stated and is tangible. A RT
Developing an Effective Objective Goal/The Ideal/Desired State of Affairs/Result Area Ex. To Increase the number of female computer engineers Goal/The Ideal/Desired State of Affairs/Result Area Ex. To Increase the number of female computer engineers Measurement Indicators Quantifiable parts of the project’s result areas. Ex. Increase graduation rates. Measurement Indicators Quantifiable parts of the project’s result areas. Ex. Increase graduation rates. Performance Measures How much, how little is considered success? Ex. Increase current number by 20%. Performance Measures How much, how little is considered success? Ex. Increase current number by 20%. Timeframe Amount of time needed to reach your performance standards. Ex. The increase will occur within 2 years. Timeframe Amount of time needed to reach your performance standards. Ex. The increase will occur within 2 years. Cost Funds needed to achieve results. Ex. At a cost of $50,000 Cost Funds needed to achieve results. Ex. At a cost of $50,000 OBJECTIVE Objective = To (action verb) and measurement indicator + performance standard + timeframe + cost Ex. To increase graduation rates of female students in computer engineering by 20% in 2 years at the cost of $20,000 OBJECTIVE Objective = To (action verb) and measurement indicator + performance standard + timeframe + cost Ex. To increase graduation rates of female students in computer engineering by 20% in 2 years at the cost of $20,000
Developing the Activities The HOW Each Objective Has a Number of Activities If Activities are Conducted Successfully, Objectives are Achieved and Goal is Attained Based on Actual Program Plan for Available Timeframe & Resources Check: Is Activity Necessary? Will it Work to Achieve Objective? Responsibilities Fit Agency Developing Activities Often Leads to Revising Objectives and Goal Activities Will Be Further Broken Down into Very Specific Tasks SAMPLE ACTIVITY: Provide tutoring program targeting female students SAMPLE ACTIVITY: Provide tutoring program targeting female students
Developing Effective Activities for Your Objectives Objective: To increase graduation rates of female students in computer engineering by 20% in 2 years 1. Describe activities that will meet this objective Activity 1:.Provide tutoring program for female students in computer engineering Activity 2: Provide mentoring program for female students Activity 3: Provide specific seminars and retreats featuring female computer engineers as role models Activity 4: Provide faculty training to address issues of unconscious bias 2. Test how these activities will help achieve project objectives and how they are interrelated to overall goal. Outcome: Female students gain confidence and resilience and are more likely to complete program Outcome: Trained faculty are more equipped to deliver gender sensitive instructions and transcend unconscious bias Consistent with objective to increase the graduation rates of female students in computer engineering Consistent with goal to increase the number of female computer engineers
Creating a Timeline Your timeline shows when you will accomplish each activity. Include a staffing plan of who will implement each activity Often, drafting a timeline helps you revise your activities and your objectives to fit the timeframe of the grant. Check carefully that all activities are reflected in the timeline.
Goal Objective 1: Activity 1M1M2M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9M10 Task 1.1. Task 1.2. Task 1.3 Creating a Timeline
Program Evaluation Identifies consequences as well as opportunities for modification and improvement. Provides timely and constructive information for decision making.
Determining How to Measure Program Success Objectives Process Measures Outcome Measures Measurement Strategies Measurable statements focused on outcomes. Measure process efficiency and accountability. Are activities and tasks being conducted in a timely manner and within budget? How is the project progressing? How are we carrying out its activities? How is the project progressing? How are we carrying out its activities? Measure outcome effectiveness, i.e. results. Are goals and objectives being met? Is project realizing the impact and meeting its expectations? What was accomplished? What difference did it make? Strategies and methods that will be used to measure process efficiency and effectiveness in achieving impact.
Objective Process Measures Impact Measures Measurem ent Strategies To increase graduation rates of female students in computer engineering by 20% in 2 years. Formal Tutoring Program established Formal Tutoring Program established Mentors Assigned Mentors Assigned 4 Seminars and 1 retreat held 4 Seminars and 1 retreat held 15 faculty members trained. 15 faculty members trained. At least 50% of tutored students indicate that program helped increase self efficacy and confidence At least 50% of tutored students indicate that program helped increase self efficacy and confidence At least 20% will experience improved GPA At least 20% will experience improved GPA Survey of students participati ng in tutoring program. Student grades.