Our prefect structure?
Elsewhere Oban High School Model Senior Pupil Leadership Team has 10 positions 1 Head Boy 1 Head Girl 4 Clans each with 2 clan leaders, 1 boy , 1 girl but his year gender has not been taken into account Prefect positions 6 prefects per clan SPLT has an application process Prefects have no application process however they are interviewed by SMT after a 5 minute presentation
Glenurquart High School 1 Head boy 1 Head Girl and 2 x 3 house captains All pupils allowed in common room. Prefects on duty specific to their ‘role’.
Hermitage Academy, Helensburgh Like Oban: 5 clans but with specific roles In August clan elections are held. Only S6 are voted for the roles.
Lochaber High School Pupils apply to be a prefect, are interviewed by SMT. Subject to interview may be appointed. Only perfects have access to the Prefects common room.
Points to consider… we have 3 houses Lead prefects X2 – head boy/girl equivalent – name of role if not headboy/girl? have prefects with a defined role Eg social events organiser, inter-house events organiser, fundraising organiser, sports prefect We already have 2 sports ambassadors – is this a different role to sports prefect? access to the common room A set number or as appointed
Suggested Timescale.. Applications for all prefects to be in by June 5th Interviews to be held w/c Mon June 8th Successful prefects appointed w/c 8th June All prefects to attend the Leadership course with Abernethy trust w/c 22nd June