English Classes displaced today Period > > > > > > > 209 Period > > > > > > > > 111 Period > 302 Higher --> 304
If you have an alternative arrangement for an SQA exam please register in SFL 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam.
Maths Work – in Days Come along and get those last minute problems sorted out. TOMORROW! Higher Maths – Tuesday 19 th May. Advanced Higher Maths – Tuesday 19 th May. ALL IN THE MATHS DEPT.
S1/S2 Iceland Trip A reminder that the next instalment for Iceland is now due. Please bring payment and payment card to Miss Maltby. Thanks! S1/S2 Iceland Trip A reminder that the next instalment for Iceland is now due. Please bring payment and payment card to Miss Maltby. Thanks!
Gymnastics Additional gymfest practice for this week: Today at lunchtime & after school Hope to see all participants there.
Midlothian Secondary Athletics Championships 2015 WE ARE TALENT SPOTTING! We are looking for S1/S2/S3 pupils to take part in this years event at Dalkeith Campus on the morning of Tuesday 26 May. If you are interested please come along to try outs lunchtime TODAY in the P.E. Department 100M 200M 1500M 400M 800M 4x100M RELAY HIGH JUMP JAVELIN TRIPLE JUMP LONG JUMP DISCUS SHOT LONG JUMP
U15 BOYS FOOTBALL Congratulations to the U15 boys football team who beat Holyrood 2-1 in the League Cup Final on Saturday. They have now won the league and league cup this season #trophytime
Ski Trip 2015 DVD This is your VERY last chance to get a copy of the Ski Trip Video £2 each Place your order with Kat or Mr Haggart
The Wiz Summer School Show Any S1/2 interested in being in THE WIZ chorus come along to room 003 on Friday at 12.30pm to audition. See you then
Thursday: Study Support Lunchtime German (S4 – S6)Mr Stienbach – Room 213 After school Maths (Higher)Maths department HistoryNat4/5 (116) Higher (117) Miss Hargreaves National 5 Geography Geography Department ArtArt department (3.30 – 4.45) EnglishMiss Mollon (224) Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept
Thursday: School Clubs Lunchtime S1 – S3 Creative WritingMrs Ramtohul (Room 229) S4 – S6 Creative WritingMiss Ludbrook (Room 219) S1 – S3 Keyboard and Glockenspiel Room 003 Ceilidh BandMusic department After school Drama ClubRoom 007 (3.30 – 4.30) Concert BandMusic department
Thursday: Sports Clubs Lunchtime S1/S2 5-a-sidePE Department After school Girls Football TrainingAstro
Battlefields Trip June 2016 (S3 and S4) Come and see some of the most famous and historical WW1 sites in Belgium and France! “Calling all S3 and S4!! Your school needs you to form the next Lasswade Pals Battalion!” Please see Mr McKay in room 216 as soon as possible for further details and letter A fantastic trip in which you will see, feel and experience so much!
Berlin June 2016
Current S2 – current S5
see Mrs Watt or Mr Murray
To Register Your Interest
And Pick up an info letter!